Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

J-11B Blk 09 is jot coming this update dude that’s what I’m trying to tell you, it’s going to be Blk 02

Wait. Wait wait wait.

They’re gonna put the MB.151, the other mass produced variant of the Bloch family, as a freaking Winter event vehicle ? But they already did that with the MB.152 five years ago…

Seriously, how can they put this mass produced aircraft as an event, when the tech tree doesn’t even have any mass produced Bloch fighter ?

Especially when they modelled a prototype that would ACTUALLY be a perfect event vehicle : The SNCAO 200.


So uh were 100 percent getting a blog on Friday by this point correct…

Why not tomorrow?

Mystery update, no blogs or teaser this time


I’m really, really hoping that it isn’t. Last chance for this entire year. It’s absurd the amount of premiums Russia gets. This had better not be a premium.

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We may even have a Dev stream on Friday if teaser drops tomorrow

The thing that makes me mad is this, France has already been a star in the last Winter event with the Mirage 2000. So it would of been nicer if the lower tier reward was for another nation.


I doubt we’d have 2 blogs at the end of the week, its more likely dev season starts on Friday and continues next week…

Too many people buying the USSR premiums

every time I remember that the BMD4M will be a premium I get very sad, I was waiting for it a long time in the tech tree :'(

We absolutely do get first dev blogs on Thursday though; it’s not the favorite day but it happens often enough.

I mean like twice this year already



I expect that the only Blog we get this week is for a Pre Order BMD 4M.
Russian mains need their 10.3 Premium input.

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ten gazillion op ussr vehicles, my favourite

2S38 needs to be ATLEAST 11.0

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I hope this means we can get both skins from both nation

" The Kfir C.10 Block 60 is a variant of the Israeli Kfir fighter, specifically developed for export. It was used by two nations:

  1. Colombia: Operated the Kfir C.10 under the designation Kfir CE (Cañón Especial). These aircraft were modernized to include advanced avionics, radar systems (like the EL/M-2032 radar), and improved combat capabilities.
  2. Ecuador: Operated the Kfir C.10 variant as the Kfir CE as well, similarly modernized for their air force needs.

Both nations utilized this aircraft for air defense, interception, and ground-attack roles. The Block 60 version includes upgrades tailored to the export customers’ requirements, making it a versatile and cost-effective option for air forces looking for a multirole combat aircraft."

Everyone always calls this tank OP, meanwhile I cannot have a good game in it to save my life lmao.

Granted i have massive skill issues, and i have extremely little IFV experience to call upon, but still. Feels like everytime i use it, i just watch shells harmlessly pass through a 2A4’s, then get one-tapped by everything that looks at me. I gave up on it.

Oh yes, exactly what Russia needs; another 10.3 premium.

The SU 27M is much better than the SU 27SM. Radar N011 bars, front horizontal tail, better engines. It would be about the same as the J-11B in terms of on-board electronics. It was a plane before the crisis, when there was normal financing. The SU 27SM is a super cheap and simple upgrade of the conventional SU 27