Nelson’s look extremely cool and nobody can convince me otherwise
With naval gun accuracy times more accurate than IRL and the fact that there are ships enough to punch through 6.2in armored belts, its unlikely that pushing is what the nelsons will be good at.
Don’t need to push. And to be fair, pushing probably makes Nelson’s biggest weakpoint (that, well, she has no main battery astern) most pronounced.
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Oh definitely, the Astra’s on the Tejas on paper are better R-Darter and the Tejas has had ASRAAM & R-73 intergrated on it, compared with the Cheetah’s Python 3s.
I’d probably put the Cheetah at 13.3, and the Tejas at 14.0
We’re kinda reaching the end to new airframes for British top tier, there’s definitely back filling to do (Hawk, Gnak, etc etc). But soon we’re gonna have to start looking at to the subtrees for new “content”, and both ZA and IN have that in spades.
I’d also wouldn’t put down the Tejas, apparently it’s not far off from a modern take on the Gnat/Ajeet, and the Mk.2 variant that’s in the works is looking at being a Rafale equivalent if they can stick the landing.
Sorry, no habla espagnol
russian dev stream is live in 2 hours, they posted
There we go.
perfect timing
If that is the Russian stream the English should be up first again, presumably.
no people leave smin alone or I swear I’ll take your knee caps for the snail
didnt embed but english stream
@katyushá can you do it?
It’s not always the case. This Russian stream is sooner than usual, and I don’t think we’ll get English stream in 1h
Edit : well nvm lol
and? the ussr made it. its stupid not to give something to a country that made, and uses it. if they dont want to give something to the country that made it they shouldnt add it at all imo. not like china is short on alternatives
Ok, now that we have the dev stream.
Dev blog when? :)
after your kick ;)
Thanks, just edited the post i had :)
I want it NOW!!!