yeah ive found it quite fun too
hitting phantoms in the face with a HMS r73 will never not be funny
brings me back to old j8f times before it was sent into irrelevancy
Did you mean the Pz. I Ausf. A?
I’m afraid it isn’t, and it probably won’t come either due to it lacking any real anti-tank capability.
There is the Flakpanzer I though, which has the same hull
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Yep. No reason to not add the F/A-18 🙃
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Gaijin trying not to make questionable decisions (impossible)
December 9, 2024, 7:24pm
Last time I checked it was just a teaser trailer, and not the update devstream. I don’t know why you guys are expecting everything to be shown off in it.
so we getting thai chinese vehicles in the future as well?
didnt they confirm no f18? but didnt they also say eurofighter would be 2025?
Yea Smin confirmed no Hornets in the trailer thread.
Literally add the fa18 and we wont ask for new planes for a year.
Bad decisions are a Gaijin staple.
Bro there were people in here yesterday talking about F-22s and F-35s…
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December 9, 2024, 7:26pm
Tested, but not implemented. Decision of devs
December 9, 2024, 7:26pm
DEU EF-2000 T1 Blk 5 or T2 Blk 10 ?
The Eurofighter Typhoon is a 4th generation fighter developed primarily by the UK, Germany, Italy, and Spain. It was built in several variants, called tranches, of which Tranche 1 was of course the first. Germany was the first country to receive its Typhoons in 2003, ordering 44 of the type, though 11 would instead go to Austria with Germany receiving 11 extra Tranche 2s in exchange. The Block 5 was the last subvariant of the Tranche 1, bringing the Typhoon up to full air-to-air c…
The Eurofighter Typhoon is a 4th generation fighter developed primarily by the UK, Germany, Italy, and Spain. It was built in several variants, called tranches, of which Tranche 2 was of course the second. Germany received its Tranche 2s in 2003, ordering 68 tyough receiving 79, the extra 11 Tranche 2s being in exchange for 11 Tranche 1s given to Austria. The Block 10 was the second subvariant of the Tranche 2 and introduced ground-strike capabilities as well as improved air-to-ai…
Typhoon FGR.4 in 2008 ~ 2011, my guess
Before under Project Centurion via upgraded to AESA radar. before integrated Spear 3, Spear-EW and MBDA Meteor
Introduction: The Eurofighter Typhoon FGR.4 is a remarkable aircraft that forms the backbone of the Royal Airforce’s combat aircraft fleet, offering a wide range of capabilities in an agile, extremely modern platform, which is able to change from attacking ground to air targets and vice versa at the flick of a switch.
Description: The Typhoon was primarily designed from the outset as a highly manoeuvrable, agile, air superiority fighter, armed with the latest weapons systems avail…
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I do just want the Hornet though…