Let a German cook :(
A-10C have it yes.
Oh, I see what you’re saying. I want it anyway give, BVV_d promised >:(
I think this is a Chinese missile, an improved 9M330. But maybe missile FM-2000, IDK
Your mixing legends and canon there buddy
Isnt the last time a Japanese vehicle being there this July with active homing
Mirage 2000 RMV has it too
Okay, I probably overreacted, 15-16 kilometers range. Still, 20 is really too much.
It’s not yet clear what it means. But gaijin doesn’t usually make mistakes when choosing words.
It could just be vague wording, and mean nothing.
It could also be what it appears to be, a line with a selection of Thai aircraft for Japan, and nothing more.
By definition, they said that if a country becomes an official subtree of a main nation, all of its vehicles will go to that nation. Unfortunately the blog and teaser don’t say that about Thailand, yet.
They didn’t mention the word “Subtree” in the Hungarian one either or the BeNeLux, Subtree isn’t an official term used by the Gaijin devs afaik.
Seriously, go back and read the other subtree devblogs and tell me they aren’t near identical to the Thai one?
Man despite the leaks I stil can’t believe it
I literally saw these planes fly by in real life earlier this year
Thailand is a sub tree for Japan, as South Africa, BeNeLux and all others have been sub trees to their main nations.
Yeah, but it will never be something like the Chinese had in the Dance of Dragons update
any news for india subtree ?
Where j-10b/j-11b? We see him in dev stream?
The only thing I can’t believe about them is that Gaijin is giving them Brimstones, making them either ahistorical variants or Tranche 2 Block 15 Eurofighters
Hi @Smin1080p_WT could you just confirm whether or not the J-10B and J-11B could be coming this update?
shouldnt f15e get it too?