Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yes, for the obvious advantages

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Storm shadow will not bring in something new as well, its just really grom 1 but better and carried less

its Tranche 2 IPa7

Dont they tend to do the dev stream right after the trailer drops?

German Eurofighter 6 * AIM-120



1000%. Always next day

cant be

Where my J-10B😭😭😭😭

, also has double pylon, so 6x ir , 4x amraam loadout too

It is.

With an unquestionable upgrade in the hulls composite armor, but yes, i’d get it any day of the week.

what is an AASM?

bit odd they’re doing it so early in the week but I guess with Christmas right round the corner they’ve been forces too…

Su-35 next update?

Trailer song was ‘Galactic Charge - ALIBI Music’ for anyone wondering :) forgot to mention earlier.

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so… compared to what is available to UK aircraft currently, it’ll be new?

plus the ability to equip trophy aps

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yh for a total of 400mm of armor (for +15 tons)

Well yep