Nonsense. Russia made the Thor M2, in response to the fact that China made the HQ-17 without permission, which was better than the Thor M1. Since then, Thor China has not bought any more
huh german typhoon with Brimstones meaning they have to be Brimstone 2s right? also this makes me think it will be the FGR4 we get since it just wouldnt make sense to limit the british one to zero CAS ability at all
tranche 1 either way, makes no diff
Any reason why the Thailand subtree wasn’t displayed at all in the trailer?
not really
or do you mean the recently Dishonourably discharged one?
Good, where is my strv122 in helldivers then
yall currently have one of- scratch that…, the best jet in the game along with the US. I think ur going to be okay
not that important
what are they gonna show that hasnt alr been shown
I think it would be a REALLY bold move not to develop hype with an iconic aircraft like the F/A-18 and not teasing it a single second on the trailer, but i guess it’s a reasonable conclusion.
New vehicles drive more hype than C&P to bolster Japan’s lineups. It’s only a “teaser” after all.
yeah thats what I mean, there is no logical reason to limit the british one to only A2A when there is a trenche 1 with also A2G
Lmao, Nah it means that you can indeed suffer for at least an update without a US jet lol
I refuse!
Where j-10B?
Yeah but there will still be trolls downing this thing with mig-21 or a-10 lol