Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I’ve seen people wondering about the Typhoon placement for Italy, I think it would go after the ADV as that is the Italian domestic line as the first line post war seemingly is for exports.

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I hope it goes under the F-16A though; I don’t have the ADV and Italy don’t have any more export aircraft coming afaik

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I want it under F-16 for italy and gripen for UK.

But putting it after the tornado would require you grind the tornado.

Don’t think too hard about it, just let the British have their win.
And then think about how unimpressive it is when the A-4 Skyhawk also scored mock kills on the F-14.

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Hopefully if they do put it under the British Tornado F.3 they at least folder them first

EF-111 being dedicated EW jet, probably had far better jammers

AN/ALQ-135 (part of F-15 TEWS) had better frequency range than the sky shadow on tornados

Hey, the A-4 was a mean little dogfighter when it was all stripped down

As expected, US Navy aircraft are always spectacular. (Except the F7U Cutlass, we don’t talk about that)

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As I said the Tornado is technically at a push “homegrown” which also applies to the Typhoon which is why I think it would go after that

I’m sure they’ll folder it a couple months after adding the Typhoon.

Gotta collect mone…eh I mean data first.

As much as I hate rank 9 it would allow some RP decresses

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imo, peak USAF jet will always beat peak USN jet

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Where ?

Most of it was a US troll

I actually haven’t seen a Brit moaning today


I am waiting for that new British division being added :P

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Nah. The Air Force can pound sand. If Congress didn’t effectively cancel any of the US Navy ASF programs they’d have a better F-22.
Bearcat > Mustang
Gougar > Sabre
Tomcat > Eagle
F-35C > F-35A
Damn Congress and their corrup- I mean “fiscal responsibility”.

At this rate he should change his name to Anti British

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Poles, any day now.

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isnt every single one of those incorrect?

the A is literally the best F-35 variant in capability

Eagle had better, though less powerful, radar, and more AIM-7+upgraded to carry 120 while F-14 still in service

sabre better jet than cougar, mustang better than bearcat afaik


Im most excited for the belgians personally