Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

yh buddy sure, not like EX was literally designed around its missile load

F22 leagues better its not even comparable, stop being gullible

and Typhoon is leagues better than F-15, F-16, F-18, etc


I’ve never seen someone so chronically American; the patriotic propaganda is rooted deep in this one.


this is worse than russian fanboys


F-22 while being a top dog aircraft is 30 years old and now going to be showing some teeth dulling. There is an reason for NGAD. US hasn’t been into R&D for the last 20 years part of something that was going on. Giving a lot of time for other nations to develop peer advisorys.

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There are 3x as many Eurofighters as there are F-22, the US couldn’t even really afford the F-22 program

and F15, F16 etc are leagues better than spitfires and Bf109, whatever u say is baseless and irrelevant friend

seriously you are comparing F16, F15 to spitfire, BF109?

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Do you actually think anyone with half a brain would send their fighters to war with that many missiles?

What reason would there be to do so and how would you justify the risk of losing so many missiles at once should the plane carrying them get shot down?

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Looks like it, despite being two far different vehicles.

But then again this is WT where a Sherman is better than a Leo 1.

Most of Europe is buying F-35s because buying a plane that already exists and is being produced en masse is a lot cheaper and economical than developing something new


Me. Brain maybe included.


Why would Europe spend money designing a 5th gen fighter when the only wars we’re fighting are against Toyota Hilux armed militant groups and the US is making one for us anyways.

Now there is war in Europe again and most large European countries are designing 6th gen fighters separate from the US


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What is your source

Also the first 6th gen aircraft has been developed by US and REVEALED 3 years ago and now its undergoing mass production

Odd comment there are more F-22s in service than Eurofighters in RAF.

The literal US airforce? buddy its a simple search