Last year was 20-26th GE discounts
26th onwards pack discounts
Also, event started 20th
I’m guessing this year similar because they probably depend on (western) christmas dates.
Last year was 20-26th GE discounts
26th onwards pack discounts
Also, event started 20th
I’m guessing this year similar because they probably depend on (western) christmas dates.
So I’m sure most will agree the Su-33 seems out of place as something to go against what’s in the list we have because of what the 33 can do and the weapons it would equip.
I’m sure someone has already mentioned this, it may be a premium? Maybe? or maybe just lower br. What would be a good counter premium from the US? F/A-18A? Both fox 1 only for radar missiles…although the 33 would carry a lot of missiles for a premium, and 27ER to boot.
Thought is that both of these as premiums could or would introduce a better main line 18 or Flanker…and Holy H E DUBBLE Hockey Sticks would they make money off the two…we know Gaijin likes the Green 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Anyway just spit balling?
it has the R27 ARH which will probably be extremely decent
missile which is very comparable with AIM120C, as of stats
Well if we are going off of what it could take IRL it does not have a fox 3 capable radar soooo???
The R-27EA is as far as I know is a SeKret Document missile that “could” have been but never was IRL.
So the 19th is the latest the update can be
R-27EA is a missile they won’t add unless absolutely necessary as it was never finished IRL, they could still add it if they can’t resolve the performance issues of the R-77 though
idk about the radar but gaijin can always do such a thing because i dont think SU35 should come to the game while all i have is F15E, they will 100% give it R27EA because theres 0 reasons otherwise for anyone playing with SU33.
SU34 is the CAS version of SU27SM.
SU33 never used R77, as far as ik ofc
Realistically yes.
Technically it could drop Friday, the only other time they released an update on Friday was a December one and it was a very late December update like this one so it wouldn’t be unreasonable
I know, but they shouldn’t add the R-27EA unless necessary, and backing themselves into a corner by trying to give ARH to the SU-33 wouldn’t be a good reason to add it.
Who said anything about the Su-35, the Best IRL Flanker…I don’t think that will come this soon…probably Su-30SM as others have mentioned. Which would have a PESA radar…I believe the Rafale listed would have a PESA as well?
the leaks would have prob mentioned it and not SU33
actually do we know who the chinese leaker is
Is there potential for things to be left off the leak list as it does say 2.43 “Preliminary”.
well the best things got leaked but i got something cooking
Yeah, the leak list is only about 25 or so vehicles if I remember right, usually a patch is 40-50ish
Hear me out
These leaks are being purposefully leaked by Gaijin for drama
its always like this
the leakers are gaiijin employees