Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Nah, I’m pretty sure the idea is brought up for every leak list, they’d only screw things up if they locked the forum for it

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a cartoon of spongebob squarepants eating a hamburger and saying `` you forgot the funny ! ''

My actual reaction to the reveal of France’s first domestic Tech Tree IFV in the dev blog.

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yh that will only confirm what i said

I bet its their way of hyping up the patch, moving people back into game even before it drops so they grind out tech trees of new leaked shiny toys.
It has to be this.
The hype those leaks generate is insane.

also the fact that we can openly discuss them in a specially made chat on the forum (this)

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Limited R-27ER/R-27ET like Su-27S & J-11 Flanker-B ? 🤔

But gajin might not add the first aircraft pre-order rank 8 for soviet/russia before 2025

still hype for eurofighter, but where mig29m/k?

I dont mind though, atleast people can gather as much info about vehicles as possible so fixes can be deployed quickly.

yh ofc ig

I wouldnt be surprised if it was 13.0 premium. It has terrible ammount of CMs, i bet it will be boat and only thing it gets is good ammount of missiles. Just ER/ET/R73 prem with L-150 if we are lucky. It could be decent though, especially if we get 14.0 br so most amraams platforms will be sucked there or outright moved, like eagles.

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Su-33 really is just a downgrade compared to Su-27SM.
Worse thrust-to-weight, worse radar, no R-77
only benefit is better control near stall speed and that it gets two more pylons.

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Yeah, it’s probably quite valuable for them to see some general opinions on the new additions before they’re officially announced. Leaking them and then seeing what is said on the forum could be useful (though honestly nothing useful is ever said here)

It really does sound like a 13.0 premium tbh

Its Su-27 sidegrade, thats why i think it will be premium and they will actually release Su-30 or MiG-29K now or next patch. Its just not on leak list.

the fact that one month ago we got the leak with F22 being tested and also the economy nerf that was gonna be terrible, crazy

that leak was the most blatant of them all

Event stuff has a few days before it becomes available after it starts so doesn’t have to start with the patch.
But with Christmas the 25th and Fridays being terrible ideaa in general for amy big softwar release i’d say the 19th is a good guess for the latest, plausible, date.

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These are the two I’m waiting most patiently for. We are kind of hitting the point of no return though. At some point we’ll need more than even 3BM59 to keep up.

There’s no way that the current leaklist is everything imo.

I mean, it isn’t. It doesn’t contain the entirety of the Thai subtree lol

Well, the air subtree yes.
Wouldn’t be surprised if we see ground vehicles as well.