Has there been any confirmation on whether or not the R2Y2s are going to be removed?
I suspect they are due to the F-84G coming (sadly), but Gaijin has given warnings before they remove vehicles before.
Has there been any confirmation on whether or not the R2Y2s are going to be removed?
I suspect they are due to the F-84G coming (sadly), but Gaijin has given warnings before they remove vehicles before.
All we know is the AJ is staying due for the Thai F-16 being in a different line and BR.
remove from tech tree, but not remove from the game (it will not be available for new players).
The J-10b is the golden mean, good at both short and long range.
One comment isn’t harassment 😭
I feel like r&r has once again lost the plot.
It doesn’t help with people having an ego problem lol
What plot?
The snaily one.
Hopefully not, as I’ll likely end up having to GE them.
I am tempted to grind them for collections as I have collected worse removed tanks lol, but I got no means to do so
I smell something is hiding in this update.
With the Typhoon all but confirmed by the first Dev Blog, the Rafale/J-10B/J-11B leaks being more believable as a result
The F-15E’s grossly overperforming in ARB
The question becomes “what is hiding for Japan, Russia, and Sweden”
Nothing, SU-33, and F/A-18 would be my guess
And if you don’t believe in the F/A-18 then Sweden gets nothing till new missiles are added probably
For Japan? Nothing except for the Thai subtree
Russia? Probably that Su-33 for whatever reason
No clue what Sweden could get tbh
you should have prevented the fall of the union and also make more aircraft that could be capable of taking the spot light from f15e, otherwise no, SU57 will not be added into the game just because the fellow americans have a slightly speedy F15C with the same missiles and number of pylons
Godzilla, Ded Moroz & another Finnish premium
Gripen NG / early Gripen E
are you just a troll or?
Ignore him, he’s having a little moment