Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

with the type of range those AA systems get, it far exceeds any a2g in game, so naturally something with more range would be needed to balance the scales

It will most likely revolve around placing the player in the command cabin with a radar/FCS screen on one side, and important info like a datalink or map combined with a battery health bar

There is “most likely”. We have no idea.

Western SAM top tier some day in 2025 ?

I’m not sure

There are only so many ways they can implement this type of system

i doubt itll be a researchable vehicle. maybe like drone for a solid SP cost

And there is no “most likely”. We have no idea.

Ok shay, you know best mate

Since you’re so insistent, what has Gaijin said or done that makes you believe that one thing is more likely than the rest?

they literally said they were unsure no?

Now that they openly admit CAS is cracked, and more powerful SAM’s needed, there’s literally nothing holding back Spyder AIO anymore, right?

You’d think.

i wonder if they will ever add stuff like jassm-er since it significantly outranges even the best AA systems in the world

Pls no

As long as the appropriate planes get foldered, I am happy for it. What I don’t like is having to regrind the same aircraft for kit that the previous aircraft could use.

Now you might say “But that’s exactly what’s going on anyway.”

So far, I feel like that experience has more or less been reasonable/sensible. Think J-8B → J-8F or F-16A → F-16C.

Don’t insult me by having to grind 5 different F-15s separated by block numbers for minute differences that may allow me to lock an extra 15ks out or carry a variant missile that could be done by earlier blocks.

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AV-8B+ (USMC) and F-16C Block 50 from USA tech tree lack AGM-154A but in service

Lockheed Martin Sniper XR (F-15E), F-16C Block 50 (Sniper XR ATP-SE) and Pantera (Belgium F-16AM)

GBU-54(V)1/B & GBU-54(V)2/B for AV-8B+ (ITA, USMC) and F-16C Block 50 (USAF)

ungimp US top tier strike ability lol

f15e tested up to 5 jassm, but 2 jassm-er with aim120 and up to 28 GBU-53 probably best for grb

might as well add B-2 16 JASSM-ER, B52 20 JASSM-ER, and B-1B 24 JASSM ER


strike eagle also carry LJDAM no? since its in USN/ USMC and USAF service it can go anywhere a regular JDAM can

I mean, have you seen the amount of seperate Spitfire, Bf 109, P-51, etc variants that are in the game? Why would modern jets be any different?

i mean within trees there are usually jumps in capability, if you look at ALL the variants across all trees it does seem that way but for example the 2 P-51D in US tt have pretty difference flight perfromance

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