Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

To Japan!!

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J10B is quite pretty, I’m torn on what to spend money on! Too much good stuff coming))

You should never spend money to unlock a tech tree vehicle.

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I suggest either get premium time or premium vehicle, or both.
It’s not worth it to GE to a tech tree vehicle.

Oh I’m aware of all that, I just like to get at least one or two things grind-free that I quite like

If you haven’t done so already, spading lower tier things is a good way of getting a few dozen thousand RP for a high tier vehicle. Then you won’t have to grind all of it with high tier vehicles.

Ah yea my mistake lol

Yeah, I understand.
I don’t use my money responsibly as well (especially when it comes to cool vehicle skins on the Gaijin market), so I have no right to tell you what to use it on.

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Are there any plans to add foldered ARH-capable F-16ADF or MLU models to nations that operated them? Say Italy or China for example. I’m sure many players would really appreciate having these vehicles added similarly to how Sweden got JA37D/JA37Di.


Tornado F3 Late too. Especially with the Typhoon F2 likely in that line

ROC F-16 is missing AIM-9Ms and AIM-120s, lol.

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That should really be renamed to Tornado F.3 AOP.

Waiting for the Tornado F.3 Wicked Late with the asraam and meteor))

in that case you can gift me the upcoming rank VII french mbt which will be coming very soon as pre-order lol

I’m aware. F-16ADFs are also missing their AIM-120

Eh… yes and no.

It would be more accurate for the name it has currently and if there is 0 intention to ever give it Aim-120C5s, then yes should be renamed.

But could be fun to allow it to get Aim-120C5 in the future.

Typhoon will finally give me incentive to grind through the interceptor Tornado line for the UK tech tree.
Although I haven’t heard amazing things about them.

Been saying it for years now. Don’t blanket fill a tree with new vehicles, just fill out the lineups it already has.
Japan is great because there’s only like 5 actual lineups and not many tanks to grind. We don’t need a hundred new vehicles to fill out every possible BR step, just put in a few vehicles from different nations where the lineups actually need them.
They’re just going to end up making the tree worse bloating it out. And any new Japanese vehicles (outside of naval) are just gonna be for events.
Sad days are ahead :(

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The FSP should be the one to get AIM-120C-5s.

Japan has pretty much run out of domestic MBTs unfortunately, unless they add the Type 10 with the proposed APS.

Only hope of becoming stronger in that regard is if Gaijin buffs the Type 10.

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