Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Do it to much and you’ll probably get suspended so be careful

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At this point I wouldn’t be surprised

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Uh F-15I and E both have apg-70, irl and in game

Ima cry if we get the dumb US F-35 before the clearly superior traingle fighter F 35 from DK

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When teaser?

Even then, china has better options down the road than a F-16C and another JF-17 with a few russian tanks

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Slap an extra 2 onto F-2 and that is what will be added in same update as it at this rate

It has been one day into the dev season.
But it seems like Rep. of Hungary is having an extra work day tomorrow so we shall see if gaijin utilizes that. At least there would be the Russian stream.

Im a avid supporter of the Finnish [redacted to prevent me from being smited by Smin], look i will never let gaijin live that down

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So you would rather have the CP rather than the original?

Finnish MiG-29? I am down for that.

CP? Copy and paste???

You’ve fallen for my trap


This is more unique than what we have rn

Danish bomber Draken F 35/A35XD


That wouldn’t surprise me either. Actually I think I’d be more surprised if it didn’t work out that way.

Whatever. At least I can actually look forward to naval after the CM disclosure. No missiles, no micronation navies, and new battleships? The only thing that would’ve made that better is no submarines as well. If only they’d actually fix the blatant issues ships currently have…

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Ohh i’m restarted sorry my dumbass read Usa F35 and got confused

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We still call our F-35 with the dash, the cooler jet is referred to with no dash (occasionally) or as A35XD


Ill never say no to more Drakens

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@Smin1080p_WT do we need some Popcorn today or can we go back to sleep?

Unless its premium, it cost way to much for these premiums, thankfully the F 35 would probably be like 9.7

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