To be fair bofore we see the other subtree nations that wouldn’t be enough to make two lines.
I would guess it stays as one Thai line and once more ASEAN nations come it’s reorganized into an ASEAN fighter and attacker line respectively.
To be fair bofore we see the other subtree nations that wouldn’t be enough to make two lines.
I would guess it stays as one Thai line and once more ASEAN nations come it’s reorganized into an ASEAN fighter and attacker line respectively.
their maybe one more they said they had more info soon
That’s all from us today, you can look forward to all of these aircraft in the next major update which will be coming soon. Until then all the best, and we’ll be in touch again soon to cover more upcoming content.
there is a ton of options for each nation in the game, yet we just have 10 nations with the same vehicles, it’s just a lazy quick fix that’s frustrating players.
I want indigenous platforms for each nation, to make each nation unique, that’s not a lot to ask for
try and do a sim battle in a sherman and see how many times you kill a tem mate because there is about 8 different versions of the sherman, and then get a ban for killing team members
alright I can read just who ever wrote that last part kind of made it hard to understand
From what I understand there will be two in this tree, one lacks a cannon.
Quite the opposite, i don’t want any Copy & paste unless its absolutely necessary (no other choice), indigenous first then copy paste later
This is all great, I’m glad that the Thai sub-branch has come to us, but it’s still not the Heavy Cruiser Takao, and not the Mitsubishi G4M3 Model 34 Hei Bomber :(
not alot of nations have their own aircraft I mean look Israel it has one Jet they made and it was based off the Mirage
Yeah G3M, Ki-48 etc… are still missing…
In this said major update, will there be more side nations? For the ground tree like France, the Belgian army uses Pandur I APC. Well they operate it even tho it came from Austria.
Any Thai copter could fill the Japanese heli tree?
Not demanding immediately just curious to ask if There are any.
I get that and i actually understand the need for the Kfir line of planes, what about the f2 for Japan instead of the fake (copy Paste) f-16 ???
I think one could be wrong
Yes. Thai vehicles is useful but not what some of us wanted. :<
I hope we see more love for Ground Rank VIII… only 1 MBT during the span of an entire year…
Maybe some of those new announced SAMs, or ideally some bug fixes of those who have been reported and “acknowledged” for years and years…
yeah it’s just the only thing it effects is Air Sim
They aren’t going to force you to play it, because it was all C&P it won’t have taken any development time either so just ignore it
It will take time for me to fully spade everything
They could have the AH-6i, but that’s about it.
But there can also be additions like an Indonesian AH-64E or Singaporean AS550 to make a nice ASEAN heli line.