Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

How can you tell?

Well its a guess of course

Ah, was already thinking, how are those related. Not on dev server means added as premium. Feels like there are some steps missing.

? which?

Im just assuming anyways because its been done before with certain vehicles be them event BP or TT

Statistically less than 5% there’s only been one Friday teaser and it was new power many moons ago


Daily mission.
So the dev stream is supposed to be on Dec 13th?


on every level even

better instant and better sustained AoA

more power

better missiles

(Better gun)

This is one of the few memes I actually hate

Stop! this meme does not vibe with the Deathmisser


Tbf the Eurofighter will never beat an F-16 in a rate fight, not even the F-22 can easily

(IRL ofc)

It’s been beaten to death so many times

the Eurofighters reliably Beat F-35 and F-22, in a sustained turnfight in NATO manouvers

Nah it’s ground RB, SPAA should always have the advantage.

People who think cas should have the advantage because of spawn costs are generally just bad players that spawn in cas to get some kills to make themselfs feel better.

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The F-35 nor the F-22 are the F-16 though the F-16 is unequivocally the BEST rate fighting jet in the world

They won’t have better missiles than the F-16Cs.

For now at least anyways

this meme is literally 70+ years old

the fact that it’s still around is enough of a rason to say it’ll never leave us

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The T1’s won’t have them, and in fact can’t. Only the T2 bl 10 onward can use better weaponry.