Inb4 ‘top AA’ is stuff like the humvee avenger.
Do people still have that British main onslaught meme
The performance difference between Chinese MBTs and Russian MBTs get accentuated lol.
top tier ships = the repulse a ship worse then every other 7.0 britain has so I wouldnt keep your hopes up lol
Can we expect a Chinese sub tree in this update?
I mean you already have Taiwan
that doesn’t count as sub tree
That is China
Not a sub-tree.
Nobody tell this guy that archanglesk has been leaked
Idk I expect Pakistan to come maybe in the next one or two updates as a subtree.
Highly doubt, if we are getting a sub tree this update, Thailand for Japan seems to have more things pointing at it.
Yeah but it is just two F-5s lol.
Ask DPRK to give us details about North Korean tanks :P
China really needs some good low tier planes. Rank 1-2 planes are garbage. Nearly all of them have 7.62 guns as their primary armament
DPRK can work as united Korea tree in my opinion.
But Pakistan doesnt really need brand new models. The T-80UD(UA) is the only one that I can think of, as well as J-6 with AIM-9L on fuselage weapon stations. On the other hand Thailand has stuff like oplot, BTR-3, FV101 and base VT4 etc.
Considering that the same trick that worked for the BMD-4M, RDF/LT and PzH 2000 doesn’t work for the Su-33, it probably won’t be a pack premium. Event premium wouldn’t make sense as the next one will only start in January or February.
I mean yeah North korean people dont play WT unless…