Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Fighting EFTs and Rafales in my Sea Harrier FA.2 is gonna be amazing




8 missiles is ridiculous now

I entirely doubt you’d be getting good Brimstones


Rafale carries 6.

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Brimstone 1s on the dev stream, which is ahistorical, but also very on-brand for gaijin


the 2A7s/122s could easily use 13.0, but knowing the devs they would just move every end of line MBT to that BR.

Well, the typhoons never used brimstone 1s. So if that’s what it’s got, then it’s an ahistorical nerf


Worse than the aircraft before it lmao

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almost at part 3

8 has been ridiculous. Compare it to most 12.7 or 13.0 jets and now the new 13.7 have even better radar and flight performance. Again we need more decompression

@Smin1080p_WT btw is gajin aware that they gave germany a tranche 3a and are wrongly claiming it as a tranche 2 block 10?

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That one also should only carry 6.

Hey Smin, can you let other players know they are wrong about the RBE2 radar on the Rafale, please?


goodbye boys, onto the next

ZA suffers most

Indian Rafale when :)

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