Storm warning britain india sub tree

If britain gets a indian sub tree that should give britain tree a eurofighter rafale and gripen id like to hear feedback if that sounds right or not i figure it should work like that seeing india operates rafale

we dont want or need an indian rafale


I dont want a worse eurofighter in the British tree

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i want the better Rafale

Already want more then others?


It is already one per smins own words. Don’t have the screenshot on me so just trust me bro.


Not needed.

Sorry, I don’t know now

So you wait gajin announced Eurofighter Typhoon or Dassault Rafale devblog tomorrow

Indian vehicles should be placed else where.

Well they ain’t

They should, nobody wants Indian vehicles in the British tree but a few odd individuals on the forum.


i doubt that

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Everyone I’ve asked that main Britain hate its implementation, there are much better options such as Canada or Australia, countries that actually make sense.


Why not all of them?

Can’t we just take our wonderful Eurofighter for now?

tejas would be cool to see at some point in the future but rn I think update is alright as is so far, Britain should be fine for a while with just more EF variants and whatever else they cooked up

How about no? The indiain subtree was not warranted, and I do not want a rafale in the British tree. Both as someone who plays Britain, and as someone who plays France. Putting aircraft in a whole bunch of trees fucks over matchmaking even more than it already is.


Me when Modern air forces

They add the sub tree i expect we get the stuff that nation used