Stielgranata 42 new type of ammunition


But I think you fail to understand that going from 240 to 105 is not a SMALL decrease, just because the numbers look closer or whatever. It is less than half the speed. It more than halves your effective range. Even if you added it, nobody who knows what they’re doing would carry it in a match, when the HE already overpressures every vehicle in the game and offers literally no downside.

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But you aren’t going to if its going to get bumped up in BR because you gave it a “death ray” bomb.

That death ray bomb have disadvantage which is velocity it won’t be broken

This will be more effective at that because the blast and fragmentation radius will be larger. Against low tier, you won’t even need to aim, just throw it in their general direction.

I would rather aim at the target at 240m/s than hope for notoriously RNG splash damage at 100m/s, to be totally honest.


Same can go for Russian shrapnel shell at low tier if you don’t want to use them don’t it’s optional i am not forcing ppl to use this kind of shell i am just offering something unique even if some ppl think it’s useless (i believe there is other useless stuff in game that ppl don’t use already) other ppl will still use it and who knows they might have fun with it

In city maps, against known avenues of approach, you can mindlessly lob bombs and farm kills. And you know that is exactly what will happen. It will become the aimboters farming implement of choice.

I think it says 103, after looking at the picture again more closely.

With 103-105 m/s and bigger splash than a SC50 bomb, it could be used as indirect fire due low velocity and high drop.

Let me put what everyone is saying into basic English No one cares if it is effective or not.
The Ki-48 is a gimmick no one cares cause its funny. No one cares if the Fritz is effective cause its funny. That is the entire point of derp weapons there meant to be dumb. Same goes to vehicles with mortar launchers basically attached to the back of it.



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Suggestion was send thx for everyone opinions about the matter and special thanks to TT33a for providing the information needed for the subject, all i can do now is to pray for moderator to see it

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Do wonder though were there any Stielgranata’s available for smaller weapons or was it predominantly launched off the big guns.

The Pak 36 had the Stielgranate 41.

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1.0 HEAT-FS? Sounds goofy, but I’d like to see it.