I really hated G-LYNX back in the day when it was at a BR where it’d see IR slingers that couldn’t do anything to him as Hellfires outranged them probably by 2x.
It was probably the most busted helicopter for it’s BR.
sometime i have then sometimes i haven’t its strange
not even remotely comparable my guy. also manpads are without a doubt the worst weapon to fight helicopters in this game.
yes not comparable indeed
Helicopters would usually be colder
problem with dealing with manpads in F117 ? just climb
Uh Helis are not that much colder cause if a Stuka can be hit with a missle and the engine puts out no where near as much heat as say a Heli then the stuka should not have been locked on to or it should have been easier for it to lose track.
i’m talking IRL
and are we seriously going to go on the “F117 is colder than stuka” terrain ?
Heli thermal that bitch is hot.
Plane Heat.
Cold compared to the Heli.
this is attack Helicopter.
how do these pictures prove that all those vehicles are hotter than a F-117 exactly ?
The only thing we are missing is the actual heat signature of the F-117 which we won’t get. Lockheed put in a lot of work to reduce it’s heat signature part of the reason it being subsonic is to reduce heat caused by drag.
To say F-117’s heat signature can’t be comparable to an helicopter while plausible might not be the case.
His point with the plane is that the way Gajin moduled IR sams is not at all accurate.
UH-60? I guess you can call it attack.
That’s not an IR seeker problem, but a problem from helicopters with their IR signature being broken.
On that part i agree with him.
F-117 being colder than heli or even props is where i disagree
Cause I can’t find an image on it.
Yes it is.
if you go to a video up above you can find a video of F117 heat
Well I meant an Image.
Thought the HIRSS did more
The Missiles the Ozelot utilizes (proxy fuze and data-link enabled [not modeled in game]) were designed to target and take down drones, there’s a huge thermal difference when you scale a vehicle up from an plane/heli drone compared to a full sized helicopter…
As far as the data-link stuff goes, it is my understanding that it allows the missile to fire without a hard lock till it gets within range to establish a lock and then the missile is on its own from there on…
its mind-numbingly dumb that gaijin has not fixed either of these problem yet regarding both the Heli-thermal signatures nor the Ozelot’s missing datalink system…