Star Wars anyone?

Does anybody know if it’s possible to use custom 3D models to make star fighters, such as an X-Wing or Tie Fighter? And has anyone done it before?

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Why? Star wars sucks now and on top of that disney would get pissed

You can check, which, fortunately, there’s a custom mission featuring some Star Wars machines: WT Live // Mission by Mr_InSpEkToR

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Yes i think i saw someone that did a tie fighter or smt but i dont know how

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Because after re watching rouge one, and the battle of scarif I realized that flying an X-wing or Tie fighter would be epic in war thunder. I would do it my self bet I can’t get 3D max and I don’t know how to use blender to make the models:(

Minecraft has a lot of crappy updates. Or lackluster ones in recent times.
War Thunder sucks cause its gotten slightly better and 15 steps backwards.
Not a solid argument.

Just cause the mainstream part of SW sucks doesn’t magically mean the entire franchise sucks. You just frown at the one that does.

Battlefront 2 is perfect for that

Sir, the majority of it has been turned into unadulterated crap:

I will admit though that the original 1970s - 1980s trilogy & some of the 1990s - 2000s games based off it were much superior to whatever abomination that disney is doing…

Tell them to make some of these:

Fly a fw190 in cockpit view.

It feels like an x wing cockpit.

P51 (merlin) mustangs also feel like xwings in terms of canopy frames. Altho only allison ones “cannonstang” reproduxe the vibe of shooting the guns.

… also oddly the f2h2 kinda sounds like an xwing when fired from cockpit view.

For snowspeeder vibes the german interceptor/attackers like me410 and bf110 feel closest.

Inspiration wise i found most nerds believe that:

  • Z-95 headhunter - wildcat
  • X-wing - toss up of hellcat and corsair. I lean corsair because funny wing shape and super adaptable.
  • Y-wing - Helldivers
  • A-wing - Bearcat
  • B-wing - p47 or postwar AD-ns

(One wonders why i got into corsairs :p)

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