SSd 128Go Full with full client 58Go game mode?

My WT is stored on a SSD 128Go
I’m full client (57Go following Gaijin)
Today, an update told me “Not enough place on disk”
And guess what ? Yeah, WT takes 111 Go place when it should take only 58 Go place !!

Where is the bug ?

Hi Mr Brainiac

did you check the logfolder from WT?
like .game_logs, .Launcher_logs & cache?

you can delete the files there with no problems…WT must be closed for this

Euuuh , 266Mo against about 40Go too much ??
Must be kidding eh ?

did you also check downloaded camouflages ?

I still have 58GB …

Have you accidentally selected Ultra or higher at some point so that it installed bigger textures?
Check the install folder and look at the size of the “content.hq” folder as well as the files in that folder to see what levels of textures you have downloaded.

You can also check the size of the replays and screenshots folders.

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i never selected the HQ contents but… It seems the game downloaded them anyway. I deletd the file (about 33.1 Go) and restarted the game and guess what ? it started again to download those 33Go.

Anyway, problem solved . i deleted everything

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