Considering the rank it will be added really doesn’t matter, until a SPAA with cannons point at you there’s not much to do.
I hope this skin is going to be in the game as well
These pictures are really good, former enemies now friends is such a great things to see
Such as that case with that Bf-109 and the B-17
Well looks like someone flagged it already
Famous Richard Bach’s book “Stranger to the Ground” (great read for anyone loving aviation, highly reccommended) has a beautiful passage exactly about the irony of people who love the same thing pitted against each other because of forces and necessities not under their control.
and germany doesnt even get anything noteworthy
Please don’t start political debates here. Thanks :)
Why you gotta get offended by everything?
For example?
Well this is my last post about this, but the topic you were just talking about few moments ago?
If you are going to remove our replies to the user who started it, could you also at least remove the political comments from the user who actually started it on the first place? :/
Ah thanks, didn’t see it
Well, you wrote: “Why you gotta get offended by everything?”. Are there any other examples?
P/s I so and thought)
Zero worries! Now that you saw it, I removed the quote so that it won’t contaminate the thread ^^
This, typical oppression of our great Fatherland and people
Thai one?
That one has Fox 2s only though?
I mean the F-5E FCU. Not sure what kind of Fox missiles it has.
That is THE one
It has only 9P-4 and Python 3s
Ah, PYTHON 3’s, my bad.
Squadron vehicle? Oh ho ho ho! You know gaijin knows this’ll sell more than being unlocked XD. B2 premium coming soon along with the Comanche helicopter.