Newly open squad for the grind of squadron vehicles.
Discord available but not required. Discord
No special requirements, full special needs squadron.
Squadron is called ASWRB. See you on the battlefield or whatever they say
Newly open squad for the grind of squadron vehicles.
Discord available but not required. Discord
No special requirements, full special needs squadron.
Squadron is called ASWRB. See you on the battlefield or whatever they say
Hello I am from ORYOL so I can’t join sadly but I do have a question, how do we get squadron points for the squadron vehicles? is it by RBs or ABs or SBs? pls reply to me anyone who sees this, thank u!
People within your squadron need to get activity points. 360 of these each 3 days. every 200 RP is 1 activity point. more members = more rp
I am interested in grinding squadron research only vehicles. How do I join?