Squadron for Squadron vehicle ^VGOON^ is now recruiting

Discord is not needed, everyone is welcome.
Our squadron is for squadron vehicle grinding.
Search VANGOON to join.

Are you looking for a squadron with a small number of members but high activity levels? Our VANGOON squadron regularly holds squadron tournaments. The next tournament is scheduled for June 15th, with a typical prize of 5000 Gold. Our Discord is primarily tailored for Korean users, but we also consider the convenience of English speakers. Look for the red nickname labeled (English speaker) and mention if you need any help.

To participate in the tournament, please join our discord link: Rebels/반동분자


and you can find application right below tournament-announcement tab.
please read announcement and the rules first!

Also, you can just join our squadron only if you don’t want any conversation!

Squadron name is VANGOON! Please join our squadron!