Squadron Battles for Squadron Research

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For a long time Squadron Battles (SQB) have had an issue of people not wanting to join due to the lack of unique reward or incentive, as getting to the top ranks to get the GE reward takes far too much time and effort for people to feel like its worth it.

I propose that a toggleable option be implemented that converts and research points you get in SQB to Squadron Vehicle research, maybe at a reduced rate (Ex: 70%). This would be similar to the current helicopter research system where you can use ground vehicles to gain Research Points for helicopters, but not for both tanks and helicopters.

This would allow for potentially more frequent SQB sessions and more populated waiting rooms, which would also fix the issue of SQB matchmaking waiting times being really long. This system would promote more incentive for squadron members to compete, potentially leading way to more organized squadrons and friendly competitions in the long run.

This should not unbalance Squadron Research gains too much (Making it too fast), as normal Research gains in SQB are already really low due to how many players can spawn on the enemy team at one time without a respawn, naturally resulting in less kills for other players, and less rewards at the end of battle.

Credit to Kjerstia for sparking the idea.

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Anyway to get more squadron RP is always appreciated, as 20k every interval is just… ehhhh