Squadron *202* 202nd Raptors is looking for new recruits!

Hello! Our squadron, the 202nd Raptors is looking for new recruits, new players or experienced, to have a look and join us! the details are as following:

History: This Squadron and most of the members were from the old game Wings of Duty, now known as Gunship Sequel. We operate almost entirely on Discord, so feel free to join when interested! The Squadron itself is almost 4-5 years old and have just recently changed to War Thunder (around October 2020). Our leader is JEFFace202LDR, we consist of keeping 3 leaders and have a rank system, the longer you are with us or improve as we play you will hit new ranks, there are special roles as well, a special role for showing you have 200 confirmed air to air kills ( in the form of screenshots at the end of the game), and much more!

Skill level: No skill level is needed! You can be a brand new player or a 5 year old veteran, we would still look forward to have you with us! We also dabble in other games time to time.

Language and Professionalism: We treat ourselves as a rather large family, so you can be free of your language, however in certain occasions being professional is duly noted and respected, do not be worried as you can be yourself here, do try to strain from overly rude or innappropriate language, because they may or may not be offensive to certain people.

Gamemode prefered: Air RB, though we also enjoy Ground RB and SB as well!

Trainings and Flyers: Since the squadron has lowered in activity, we have currently stopped doing these on a mass scale, however, you can still get lessons if you wish by contacting anyone available to “fly” (are available to play in game), and they may give you a date or time so you can start trainings!

Discord Link for the server: 202nd raptors

Happy Flying, hope to see you here!

This should be in the squadron part of the forum.