Spezialbombe 2500 (SB 2500 A1 and SB 2500)

Oh… I’m sorry


It’s fine sometimes things just don’t work, plus there is alot of german suggestions so i am still satisfied that there is alot of things to be added in the future. Btw talking about big bombs the US still never received their pumpkin bomb.

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If this got added i will be grinding the B-29 just to get it


Lmao same

Don’t forget German bombs can be buffed although my bug report failed but this is still an option.



we get 2*SB 2500 fir JU288

The SC2500 can be added too but i am happy they went with the SB2500

I will put this here too Where is the missing SC2500? and where is the SB2500A1? - #19 by PercussionCap

??? the SC 2500 is carried by the he 111 H-16. the SB 2500 is new and carried by the ju 288 C

Yes the SC2500 is on the H16 and the SB2500 is on the Ju288, but both of these bombs can be carried by all the bombers listed above in this post

I do not get it. Can’t they read? It even states Schloß 2000 oder 3000/He 177 und Do 217 by name yet somehow only a single solitary aircraft, the 288, receives it in the next patch? Do we have to wait another ten years for this SB 2500 & the previous SC 2500 to make an appearance on all the other relevant aircraft? This game will be (rightfully) dead at that point (because of your own biased negligence gaijin)


Hi, I started looking for 2500 Bomb threads but found this thread. Sorry, my English is weak.
I have two questions
“sources of information” confirmed?
In addition to the first message, were there other planes that used 2500?

WOW i find this
please note

I know this post from the old forum is listed up there in the end

i know just saying the SB 2500 is new.

next to that i’m dreaming every german plane get’s all their bombs.
Satan / SB 2500 spam would be unreal xd

Satan is awful right now, I’m generally recently have been disappointed by german bombs, because for some reason it seems like you need a direct hit with pretty much all of them, even 1000kg one, yet 1000lb bomb seems much more potent. Idk, maybe it’s just me.


I agree with this statement, the impression is that it is the German bombs that are cut in half

The 1800 was/is still nerfed. SC2500 is nerfed which is annoying, because I usually used it +1 BR and over and suffered with a nerf still…

I think all are filler nerfed though for ‘balance’…

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No, not just you.
The thing is, the current fillers. While the German Bombs are heavyer, they are nerfed, by giving them the Cheap Filling with 1:1 TnTA, while the American bombs, have Fillings with greater TnTA.

It is disappointing specially after the devs choosing the worst filling fir these bombes instead of the better one Trialen 105

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