Just researched the new russian boat MPK Pr. 11451 - in the first match (AB) I got Fijii and spawned grounded with no chance to get away. So I left the ship and tried to use a voucher and it happened again. I will test if the issue is related with the shallow waters of this map. In addition I will submit a bug report - ok the issue is already reported. It seems to happen only at this map.
Saw this topic so I hopped into my 4.7 lineup and got fiji as first map. Can confirm it is broken, I could move a bit backwards but I then got stuck again on another reef this time with no way out.
Thank you for the report
thx, but the report already existed I only added "had same issue " and a screenshot. As there are several quite similar russian boats I wonder how they spawn at this map.
Random spawns, lead to not finding the broken one until someone randomly gets it.
Absolutely needs reporting on the issue tracker as a map bug.
See’s title & already knew it would mention Fiji, That map is a Hydrofoil Graveyard as you’ll either run aground immediately or you’ll spawn agrounded.
There are two solutions here, Either:
Remodel the map sightly, Making channels deeper & removing sandbars.
Finally add the ability to raise or lower foils, this in theory would be a boon to these ship & with probably more useful than the dozer blades.
Upon spawning they’re rasied & must be lowered by the player, this would fix most issues with fiji & some other maps.