There’s one thing that i would like to see for pre-radar spaa:
As the player is acting as the driver & gunner, let the commander/loader assist the player with voice commands. They could tell you if you need to lead more/less, aim higher/lower or if a plane is out of range. Should not be that hard to implement and is less arcady than giving spaa a visual lead indicator.
It wouldn’t change a thing but I don’t expect anything else from someone who just doesn’t want TO because of hatred
I see no issue with TO or those calling for it.It’s like workers asking for a soda pop machine in the staff canteen.
I find CAS annoying sometimes and it leads to 5 seconds of profanity(and wife beating…joking…no really) .If you have no TO you will get CAS nerfing make no mistake ,People will always whine about it so I fail to see your point of you are trying to preserve CAS as it is.
Both Forum managers have stated today that there are no plans for TO so it’s a pipe dream.I think Gaijin are missing the point and missing a trick personally but that is how it is.I am a TO advocate because I fear change in CAS.
Warthunder changing things has not been a good experience for me. Nerfing and map wrecking ,that’s all it is.
PS if somebody I normally disagree with makes a good point then I will say so and if I cant do that I will put them on ignore and not see anything they write.Might be a good suggestion for you to try.
I would agree because that was the reason for my TO stance on the old forum.I was a can’t fly, won’t fly guy and I even asked ULQ the same question early on when I didn’t know anything about him or his TO reasons.I think many of those who ask for the removal of CAS have not yet gotten into the flying side of CAS. It’s like criticizing electric cars never having been in one.We can’t say that about ULQ although we may suspect as one of the top players of the game he may have a personal agenda for asking for TO.
Upon discussion we both agreed that “being in the zone” was the attraction of a game with no planes.
The level of concentration when being in a tank engagement was second to none in any game and CAS just spoiled that like a kid kicking a chess board other when two people are playing.
I also think for ULQ and myself it was venture into unknown territory.
What would GRB be like with no planes?
Brilliant or surprisingly terrible,unplayable even.Nobody really knew and I could see it going many ways.
I do suspect CAS covers many cracks in War Thunder games.It brings a random element to counter act skill which I suspect is ULQs major bugbear.He may admit that,I don’t know.It also makes the full down tier work or work better.
I think we all seek to protect what makes us good and that is why so many defend Bushes ,Crew skills,sniping spots and hate the idea of SBMM.
I think TO would simply have ended a 12 year old argument regardless of whether it worked or not.
In some ways Smin and Stona’s interaction today,saying No to TO has been a victory because at least we have an answer ,like the meaning of life but sadly we are back to the endless discussion of how to nerf planes and make SPAA better so it’s bad news for CAS users which is somewhat Ironic maybe. : )
I guess when CAS becomes an unplayable joke ULQ can say I told you so and have the last laugh.
It’s funny how you guys are shifting yourselves to try make out you’re the good guys in all of this… You were all admant and demanding of TO for every thread you could find, it was never about making SPAA better…
Who said anything about hatred? It’s spite for my side because every discussion that was borne of this was a villain-making scenario, and speculations about what someone said, and if that failed, just straight out making peoples statements for them.
I don’t care if you have an opposing argument, I don’t deserve to be labeled or personally attacked for expressing my opinion, as commonly happens on this forum due to people being that caught up on making themselves heard that they dare let anyone else have their statement clearly made.
What is this even meant to mean?
Like, the changes suggested by many of those who have trouble with the game are often knee-jerk and not thought out, hence they don’t get acknowledged or looked into.
So who exactly do you mean by the stubborn?
I wasn’t responding to You.
Ahhhh, that I can agree on… They do think it will solve everything, much the same as the SBMM.
Indeed, but I’m questioning who you meant… Maybe you should understand discussion a bit more.
The issue is that when you are playing a tank, you are a free kill for CAS until you respawn in AA.
You either have to spawn AA first (which is boring, and unreliable as some games nobody spawns a plane), or die and then respawn in AA.
But that still leaves you as a free kill to an enemy you can do nothing about.
It’s unrewarding for both the person who gets killed by a plane, and the person who plays a plane. It’s unrewarding for the former, because they could have been the best player in the world, had 20 kills and about to win the game, and died because of something outside their control.
It’s unrewarding for the CAS player because unless they get several kills, CAS is just wasted SP for the team.
The excuse of “well your team should spawn SPAA/CAP” is lame because all it does is outsource the problem to your team, leaving you even more reliant on terrible players. Especially at top tier. In my experience with top tier USA, most people are gone after one death and the ones that stay don’t usually spawn anti-air.
Relying upon your team to not lose the game is one thing, relying on them to constantly have your back until you spawn in an AA is something completely different.
Even if you have competent AA players, the CAS can still just avoid them by flowing low.
Your negative mindset ignores the premise that you could defy your mindset and actually do something.
That’s where the team comes into it, and where people choosing to play the other roles supports the rest of those who cannot control the air themselves.
Read his comment in other topics and You will get it
the US has nothing to spawn before M247. hehe
Ahhh so you’re trying to villainize anyone who doesn’t want TO mode as per the usual… All good.
Where is the team play for CAS players? Killing SPAA for CAS? CAS can kill SPAA just fine if it’s played well, and otherwise AA can just be avoided especially at low tier. Other than that CAS doesn’t need teammates to perform well, but everyone in tanks needs friendly SPAA to perform well (or exist at all), or at least not get killed by a plane.
Having bad teammates in tanks while you’re playing a tank is one thing, you can still perform well individually on a losing game.
But having bad teammates in AA while you’re playing a tank means you’re essentially a free kill and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Sure you can spawn AA once you die, but revenge killing isn’t guaranteed and even then, it’s lame for gameplay to perform well in a tank but die to something outside your control because your teammates (as usual) performed poorly.
You’re stuck in that mire mindset to be honest.
That’s a prejudice and just you trying to ignore the point… You should sort that out by squading and calling on people to do things in matches, not demanding or ordering, just encouraging.
How many newbies jump on here in anger simply to rage? I bet most of us have done it.It’s like a rite of passage.So is complaining about CAS for many.I have a few remaining pet hates but I am becoming more pragmatic as time rolls on.It’s just that Gaijin just can’t leave it with the tinkering.
That’s bit heavy lol
I don’t see the vileness that I see in the ass holes I set to ignore.I have some people on here I don’t much agree with.I argue with AlvisWisla and wind him up sometimes but he seems like a genuinely nice guy not that I even know anything about him ,its a forum,you know.
What I will say is that as one of the top players ULQ has no secrets.Ask him anything about the game,how he does things ,how he gets scores and he will tell you.That comes only from humility.
I just think regarding TO he is right.
I think I am right.Just try it ,try it for a month.See if something like removing planes opens GRB up to be something quite different and fun in the same way Arcade is just GRB with out hiding places.
Well that is like saying guns don’t kill people people kill people and if you just educate people nobody will ever get shot.Everybody is different but no guns means nobody get shot .Simple.
As for revenge bombing the key word is revenge,that is human nature,if one kid kicks another kid up the bum in the playground a chase will ensue no doubt ,its human nature.I think the issue is that the TO argument evolved and moved on.It went from CAS sucks to CAS is OK but how good would the game be without it.I think it would have been nice to find out and so much more important to invest a month into a TO game than some silly sci fi scenario.
That is it
That is just “Right you upset me so I am never agreeing” Not very useful to be honest.
I can only wonder what Gaijin has in store the next time I put the Xbox on.What nerf they have put on my favourite plane to bring the Holy “Balance” .Even if they haven’t suspicion will reign supreme : )
Then CAS is no fun.So we go from SPAA= no fun to CAS = no fun ,then get the complaints, CAS is no fun and SPAA needs nerfing then we have SPAA = no fun to CAS is fun and so we go on.
TO would have broken this circle.No SPAA ,no CAS no arguments.
All I see for the future is an eternal argument which is great for the forum and it’s perma- arguing members but bad for the game.
If I am honest you seem to fear TO coming in because it means ULQ has won something.I see the game as bigger than that but I have already lost my argument twice anyway. I was wrong about CAS being fun because I didn’t play it which was a terrible viewpoint,and I have received a no to TO as formally as I am ever likely to get it.
Yes, I think I will tell my teammates who already left 5 minutes ago to spawn AA…
Telling people to rely on teammates is a cop out because you can’t directly control how your teammates do.
And you might say “well, this is a team game so it’s designed that way”, but between ground vehicles you can still perform well and get a few kills before your team totally loses. But when it comes to CAS, you’re helpless.
By the end of almost every long lasting game in top tier, there’s several aircraft spawn camping and finishing off those who are left, not even giving them a chance to leave spawn.
CAS currently is just another long into the dumpster fire that is top tier currently. It prevents even good players from performing well and having fun in spite of bad teammates. Even if the good player spawns SPAA, they’re going to get spawn camped and will be useless against spawn camping tanks, defeating the purpose of spawning AA in the first place.
Winrate is a team based stat, so what’s this phone pic got to do with it?
You may try to make out I said that, but you’re ignoring the actual premise of that statement in order to paint me out as accepting the game as it is because of the design…
But it’s actually meaning about the other players on your team and that there are others who can also spawn SPAA, or tanks and take care of the various objectives.
That’s why I feel that the ODLs are selfish and aren’t there to be anything but good because they see everyone else as inferior and they don’t care about how they fare.
Yes, that is precisely the point. USA teams are bad at top tier so you can’t rely on them, so on and so forth.
I play on console so yes, I used my phone to take the picture.
From your stats you don’t seem to play top tier, but the majority of games are over in 5-10 minutes with a loss for USA team.
That’s just speculation and can easily be compounded by the ignorance regarding effort and actually trying rather than failing once then bailing and giving up as is pandered on the regular by those who blame the game.
Nothing to do with what I said, it’s about that effort to point out the winrate, which, again, isn’t a single person stat.
That’s just your opinion, and fact is I don’t play top teir because of the sepsis that resides in that region because people are that caught up on blaming the game and not trying anything new, because they think they’re doing it right.
But thanks for dragging my stats into it, because as I’ve said prior, I don’t care about my stats… I just play the game and make the effort I can, where I can.
Many would want peopel to just not bother, and that isn’t going to fix anything, only compound the suffering of those who are trying, who are calling out about this ODL issue.