SP for planes

I think the SP price of planes in tank battles should be increased especially in Top Tier because one Su 34 can kill 10 people in seconds against an opponent who can’t do anything, you can increase the normal price by 100 to 200SP without anything (weapons) and another 100 for each type Weapons on the plane (bombs, anti-tank or anti-aircraft missiles, smart bombs).


SP cost for aircraft should be lowered. The only defence against something like an Su-34 is a fighter and they are already at 700 SP, WAY too high.

The SP cost for aircraft should be more like 300-400 SP with a full A2A kit.

What should be done after that, is increase the SP cost for A2G weapons so that the SP costs remained the same and then increase the SP cost for powerful A2G weapons like kH-38s accordingly.

Also have quantity increase SP Cost as well.

For example (made up numbers for easy explanation)

6x Brimstones could be 100 SP
12x Brimstone could be 200 SP
18x Brimstones could be 300 SP

CAP is therefore more accessible, which nerfs CAS. Powerful CAS is nerfed fairly but weak CAS remains the same relatively.


Everyone is currently complaining about the SU-34 as if it’s the only thing that gets them.


Whilst there are exceptions of course. The pure speed and performance of the KH-38s make them the hardest AGM to defeat and the Su-34 is always paired with the Pantsir and that is the only SPAA that could hope to threaten it.

F-15E, Typhoon and Rafale have their strengths, but they have to be wary of a Pantsir or 2 being active. Su-34 doesnt have to worry about anything. They also have notable weaknesses. The only other AGM that has come close to the KH-38 is the recently added AASM on the Rafale and RMV. But they are slower and Ive heard rather Buggy.

Su-34 vs ADATS is just insane at the moment, but Typhoon, F-16, Rafale, F-15, Gripen vs Pantsir is an overall much fairer fight.


For anything with A2G ordinance, SP cost should go up to atleast 800-900 SP, potentially higher if it has guided bombs/missiles.

For just A2A stuff, it should heavily depend on its BR. A Typhoon in it’s A2A config shouldn’t be worth as much as a propeller plane with only cannons.

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Its the KH-38 with IOG. No air to ground weapon comes close. If the map is somewhat open they can easily kill several tank players just after spawn. No western AA system can deal with a Su-34 air strike.

Others simply lack this kind of long range advanced F&F missile. Like the EF2000 with its lame Brimstones and US jets with Mavericks, which lose lock when you smoke, lack the range and a comparable warhead. KHs always kill, Mavs and Brims …well not.

Su-34 with KHs is what Ka-52 choppers were with Vikhrs, a couple of years back. Unmatched with no counter.


There does need to be SPAA advancements, but it’s the newest and most complained about recently.

To me it became a throwout whataboutism and a coinword because of it.

It is a victim of timing.

Prior to the Su-25SM3, Soviets had the advantage in SPAA and Helis, but a notable weakness when it came to fixed wing CAS.

Then they added the Su-25SM3 with 4x KH-38s showed just how woefully underpowered every other nation was, but it was just about balanced due to the very low performance of the Su-25SM3 compared to most other CAS. But Soviets no longer had the weakness when it came to fixed wing CAS.

But it was unimaginable that the soviets would get a decently strong launch platform for the KH-38 before anything was done to address the current issues fighting the Su-25SM3…

Then it was added. In the exact same update that the Devs made a big song and dance about the Brimstone being unfair to be modeled fully because it would be too hard for SPAA to defend against. It was about as hyprocritical of a statement as you could get with the Su-34 being added in the same update.

If the Su-34 had been added alongside the Rafale or better SAMs, it wouldnt have been quite so bad. But adding it alongside the Tornado Gr4 after making a long statement about how Brimstones would be too strong… was just a slap in the face


How should this help? Ru spawns a KH carrier plane, already at high altitude within strike range. Far outside western SPAA’s capabilities.

Hit map key. Select target pod view for enemy spawn or a known choke point. Hit thermal target pod hotkey aaannd: lock shot [*n].

Turn away, wait for the kill messages rolling in. Even if there’s something with more range to attack this thing upon spawn, it goes everything so quickly…there’s hardly any time to prevent KH shots.

Adding things to counter everything will make up for the issue, be it SPAA, advanced radar systems, or even anti-missile systems.

Instead of facing 8km range ADATS it could instead have to defend against 40km range SL-AMRAAMs.

it wouldnt be able to attack with quite the same degree of impunity,


VT1 missiles have 12km paper range, but become hardly steerable above 10km. Either way, doesn’t reach the air spawn / KH shooting point.

Pantsir could do something to contain KH strikes, but its unfortnately russian as well. So these two systems complement into some helldeath mechanism. Cause Pantsir often supresses counter cas fighter jets. I had it that often…its not easy to fight enemy cas when this thing spams missiles in a 20km bubble around the ground battlefield. Now even with reload mechanism in the field. It just doesn’t stop. It lobs SAMs constantly.

While Nato SPAAs can’t shot that far. Its unbalanced at the moment.

Yes, this is the entire problem and where most of the complaint stems from .

Soviets had the strongest SPAA but some of the weakest CAS. Was overall fairly balanced

2 years on and they still have the strongest SPAA, with no nation still getting anything better but the soviets have gone from the weakest CAS to the strongest.

Whislt other nations have also gotten stronger CAS and the Patnsir is not quite the sphere of death it once was. It is still by far one of the only, if not maybe the only SPAA that can actually put up any kind of resistance or is even a threat to most nations


As others has said. If anythings spawn cost (SP) for plane with dedicate AA weapon should have lower SP to use . As their main targets usually are others plane / CAS / Heli. Especially at high tier where there are no Pantsir S1 counterpart for other nations to use to counter Long range CAS.

Another things is that some Ammo belts for plane with cannon that has high pen AP round should have higher SP (which i believed they are already a things. Since F-5E with 30mm cannon pod + AP belts cost more SP to spawn)

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I feel like you’re forgetting the amount of missiles here. The su-34 carries 6 kh-38mt’s that use an ir lock, the tornado carries 15 brimstones, which would be arh if they were modeled correctly. You do understand than 2.5x the missiles would infact be op right? That’s enough to wipe out the entire team minus one person. Imagine a su-34 with 15 kh-38’s and how much more op that would be than it is now.

And they nerfed the brimstone through the floor by making it not only SAL Only but also making it a Brimstone 1 not 2 or later.

But despite the fact KH-38s were OP on the SU-25SM3 with no possible counter. They were added on the Su-34.

KH-38s with only IR would still be very powerful and still the best AGMs at top tier but removing the IOG would render them far more balanced.

The point is the tornado Gr4 was a substantially weaker airframe to the Su-34 with ahistorically nerfed AGMs for balance reasons but the Su34, nope, still had full power KH-38s