South Korean Ground Forces Tech Tree

You’re welcomed to help me add on, and list vehicles that I’m missing. I’ll update the list as time goes.

You missed out on my entire point, again.

Then by this metric why don’t you just have the game be one giant tech tree and have everyone research whatever they want?


Exactly. By their logic, that works because everyone used everyone else’s technology at some point.

Then by your metric going as far back as 1600 all and any current commonwealth nations should not have their vehicles be added to Britain then, since it was less of a “friendly gesture” and more of a hard conquest around the world.

I am not opposed to Chile being a Subtree of Israel infact I strongly support that suggestion, i’m just saying that Israel can have another subtree ontop of that and South Korea could be a possible option. Is there better alternatives out there? Yes and you can possibly think of a few but South Korean subtree in the Israeli TT is far from the worst idea out there. Another reason why i mentioned South Korea in relation to Israel is that they share a lot of common geopolitical stances towards each other (e.g both are staunchly Anti-DPRK)

What you don’t understand is that those countries became allies and are currently allies with said country. There has not been a single point in history past 1600 where Japan and Korea were allies. You’re fundamentally arguing against how the game works with countries working together because you want more vehicles in the country you play, even though they have literally NOTHING to do with each other.


And my entire point is to ignore the political side of things, having it constantly be brought up instead of prioritising gameplay is something I never understood, for a video game.


The tenets of your logic here are as follows:

  1. Country B used country A’s technology
  2. Country A and Country B share similar stances on certain issues.

That is the logic you have laid out there. By that logic, do you know what else works for Israel? Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Czechia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Myanmar, just to name a few. See how that line of logic you’re using becomes a problem really fast?

You still haven’t answered my question, what is the reasoning behind bringing up political differences without thinking about gameplay side of things?

The solution to this really is to balance the two factors. For example, South Africa and India both still make the most sense to go to Britain despite the British colonizing them, but Ukraine shouldn’t go to Russia because… you know… the war.

That does not answer most of my question in regards to this current thread context. Is South Korea at war with Japan in the modern day?

They are not at war in the modern day, but not being at war isn’t the bar. Should South Korea go to Japan? The truth is that I don’t know. I don’t have an answer to that.

As of right now the argument made by them is that “because of past bad blood, SK should not go to Japan” but has it really been the case in the modern day? SK holding informal grudges isn’t the same as having a formal conflict with Japan in modern day context, and therefore it should be excluded from the discussion.

My truthful answer is I don’t know the answer to this problem because I am not well educated enough on the historical and modern relationships between Japan and South Korea and how deep those grudges still run to make a judgement on this. Any judgement I make on this I would be completely pulling out of my ass because I don’t have a good enough understanding of the history and modern day state of their relations to make a proper decision here so I am just conceding that I don’t know the answer to this.

Just add Czechoslovakia to the Japanese tech tree, that will fill in the gaps.

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Nice, avoiding my question with an unrelated statement. You good, I like.

By that logic, Japan allied with Germany and Italy in ww2, and is allied with usa currently

Pretty sure SEA countries didn’t like it very much too when Japan invaded.

Meaning no SEA countries as well as SK are good to be sub tree for Japan. Hell the countries Japan allied with are SEPARATE COUNTRIES themselves in wt. Essentially Japan can’t have sub trees

Are you really sure you are helping Japan?


Precisely why he’s trying his best to avoid Japan in the equation. He does not want to help Japan.