South Korean Ground Forces Tech Tree

Becuase SK and Japan share geopolitical sphere.

Let’s put Iraq in Israel!
Because they’re close too!


Because they thematically and vehicle wise compliment eachother rather well. Japan also “needs” a sub-tree. While this isnt the only option, its certainly on the table


What a horrible reason. Like by god. Youre actually just saying “well theyre also asian”

I think Poland to go Germany because they share the same sphere, actually, using that logic


Bad answer. Thematically? So anything western. Korean vehicles follow a german and US approach more than a japanese one.

Japan doesnt “need” Korea, a country they still have undertone issues with from past war atrocities

Japan shot itself in the foot at one point. There already talks of thailand going to Japan, which would work better, even if not perfect, but is still better. This also isnt to say, theres also still tons of vehicles Japan can have. They simply get the Israel/“minor nation” treatment

Maybe lets advocate for gaijin to actually work on adding the real domestic stuff to Japan, and stop trying to find the easiest scape goat, because were lazy


They have done a world cup in 2002.

they are both nations that are restricted by what weight they can bring around their countries. Both having rather mountainous countries. They are both nations that regrew from the fall of Japan under American occupation and as such shares at least in some part similar origins in equipment.

Korea covers the Japanese tech tree for the modern era with more MBTs and one vehicle SHORAD systems for top tier. Meanwhile Japan covers more of the lower BRs.

id count that as a reason not to put them together if they didnt put life long enemies in a tree together where one party is actively threatening the other today

I dont really care what Japan gets in terms of sub-trees, but i do see South-Korea as one of the candidates.

i care for gameplay and tertiary having some theme for the tech trees to give them some distinction to attract players

That is certainly a likely one. Tho they could also give Norway if they wanted to. Or other allies in the region. Id say Vietnam and Taiwan could be candidates, but they kinda jammed those in with their enemies atm.

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Oh wow. A world cup?

Wrap it up folks, alls well, you heard him, world cup


Do you m3an PRC and ROC?

Both consider themselves China or One China, so different

And if there was a good example to youre point like Ukraine and Russian fed, by god why make it worse? If there was a good example in game which there isnt, we should be advocating that changes and doesnt continue

But there are lots of people who dont agree with the ROC being in the PRC tree. The flag at a minimum needs to be changed to a dual flag icon

Everything else you said, can all be achieved better in a much better way. Vietnam would be bad, Japan colonized the Viet people in WW2 briefly and treated them poorly.

But I do uphold a combined ASEAN tree, I suggest removing ROC from the PRC tree, and putting N korea there instead.

Or If korea goes anywhere, and no one likes this because everyone hates the fat greasy americans, i get it haha funny, S Korea should go to the US if it had to go to any TT. It wouldnt make the US tree OP, itd just make it different and bigger, and the US fought an entire war for Korea, with N Korea going to China

At this point you ARE proving that everyone including you who says “S Korea go to Japan hurr durr” just thinks so because
“Asians”, since youve suggested other countries which shouldnt be added either, but also happen to be Asian. This is why I said Japan shot itself in the foot. They were assholes to every other Asian country and are now Reaping that in a video game lol


no they dont. Lets not pretend that the situation there has been anything other than that for decades.

if you were to even have a single glance at the situation you would understand that example and the one in game is incredibly similar.

China invaded Vietnam in 1979. I am familiar with Japan and their imperial atrocities, but man im not gonna start believing that Gaijin puts much considerations to that when it comes to country pairings. Vietnam being in the Chinese tech tree with the T-34 with twin 37mm in game

Also no. Gaijin follows a relatively simple philosophy when it comes to this, If a tree is majority of one country, that is the flag they will use. Which is a reasonable solution.

I suggested other countries, that have similar themes, are allies, or otherwise compliment the tree Japan currently has.

i care a little bit a about geographical locality, but im not one to limit myself to that. Its why i have previously suggested that South Korea should go to Poland as a sub-tree, or Poland could go to Japan as a sub-tree.

Also while Norway do have quite the interest in comics only rivaled by Japan, Norway isnt asian, but it thematically fits quite well and would compliment the Japanese tech tree rather well.

Edit: like its worth noting i dont mind this for the sake of making nice trees that people want to research. Like its kinda dumb to put too much considerations into these things, but i agree with the sentiment we should not actively persue what will create excessive DDoS attacks on Gaijin servers. Otherwise, go wild. Like iirc Chile, Brazil and Argentina could have nice contributions to the Japan tree

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Vietnam isn’t in the Chinese tree so long as no sub-tree is announced.
Single vehicles aren’t necessarily indicative of anything.


Generally speaking no, it doesnt mean that the country is fixed to that tree. Usually more so the case when tech tree vehicles are added. Usually other country vehicles are either premiums, or event vehicles. So as it currently stands im perfectly fine with stating that Vietnam is in the Chinese tech tree. Like i get nuance, but its more to paint a picture that Gaijin has a history of not caring, so why should they in this situation when arguably they have pushed through worse before.

And if you are pointing at the Finnish ITO-90M in the Frence tech tree, that is actually a fine given i believe France made that, among many other vehicles, as tech demonstrator for the Crotale NG system.

ItO 90M likely was added to France to prevent another SK-105 fiasco, but another thing to point at is Italian aircraft that used to be in the German tech tree.

nah, more likely they saw it as a legitemate system that will be the cheapest, easiest, and dare i say it laziest way to add Crotale NG to France. Sometimes its good and okay to add lazy vehicles to tech trees.

There were plenty of other vehicles they could have chosen in terms of Tech Demonstrators for that Crotale System.

Crotale NG - (multiple chassis) - France - War Thunder - Official Forum

Yeah, and if you make a tree for that nation, its reasonable to migrate stuff over. But if im gonna say it, back before the Italian tree, Italy was in the German tree, and i would have said so at the time aswell. If that at some point changes, great Vietnam would nolonger be in the Chinese tech tree, but for the time being it hasnt. Same way Finland was in the German tech tree before they became a sub-tree for Sweden. And how Norway currently is in Swedish tech tree, even if that is entirely plausible to change in the future.

as much as i would love to see SK as a subtree for japan i dont want it to go as a subtree due to the ammount of unique vehicles a SK tech tree could offer


The answer is: its complicated, and you misunderstood what im saying. ROC consider themselves China. The PRC says no, theyre the real China.

China is commiting brinkmanship, but they havent actually invaded Taiwan yet, and the US Naval carrier strike group nearby would like a word.

China ruthlessly dominated vietnam for over a thousand years and tried to backstab them again in 1979. The Vietnamese hate China, and rightfully so. Gaijin is foolish to add that vehicle, although maybe its the one SPAA china gave to Vietnam during The Vietnam War. Vietnam refused weapons aid from China. The Phòng Không is also in the USSR tree from an event.

How? Thats wrong and frikin stupid. Thats just lazy to say “oh yeah gaijin just does it this way”. Gaijin just does a lot of things terribly, time to fix that. Its why so many people hate them

While I agree, exactly to your point, its important we consider peoples feelings and history, especially if its not ours, because we naturally wont feel the same feelings that they will. It should be up to the SK and Japanese community to decide. But ive never seen a SK handle say “yes absolutely, I think adding my country to Japan is the best representation for warthunder”, generally neutral or to the contrary, which is a bad answer to send it all home on


Weren’t you the one who said that Vietnam should go in the same tree as South Korea.

Which wouldve been a combined S Korean, Thailand, Phillipines, Tawain, Vietnamese tree someone suggested, similar to a combined Nordic pact tree, which I later redacted in another comment after I learned about the local murder of that woman.

Thats not where Id want it to go anyways. Its extremely hard to always meet everyones criteria, so when new information arises, thats where you need to have humility and roll with the punches instead of doubling down

I suggested S Korea go to the US tree, and for Vietnam, im not even touching that anymore other than mentioning who they shouldn’t go to. Taiwan being in the PRC tree messes other things up too.

Edit: as it stands Vietnamese favoritism of both the US and Russia is high, the soviets used the Vietnamese as a proxy, but it helped Vietnam in the war technically. The US recognize Vietnam as sovereign and important geopolitically and we both hate China, and the general US consensus is “we’re sorry, we got too scared of communism in the 60s, eff those old guys who made the rules, Vietnam war was bad and McCarthyism stupid”, and there are current talks of diplomatic defense relations. Vietnam is now in a conundrum of still supporting Russia (I seriously dont know why), and the US. Itd have to go to one of those TTs if any and there wasnt a combined ASEAN tree



Therefore, I strongly suggest to establish a Canada - United States - Mexico (CUM) joint tree.


Better answer than a lot of current situations in the game. So yeah i dont see why i should take politics into account outside of minimizing DDoS and maximizing interest in a tree.

If there was a history of Gaijin caring, id take it into consideration. They clearly don’t, so i dont see how neutral to negative would stop two trees being together.

If you think its bad, sure. But realistically this is very mundane compared to other pairings in game


And no, they havent for decades.

Its really not. The only thing that is complicated how much people pretend it is and what hoops countries go through to pretend to continue the status quo.

Ah ok, we are to pretend pre-2022 situation is not incredibly similar. Offcourse there is nuance and differences