South Korean Ground Forces Tech Tree

The “time joined” refers to when you made the forum account, hence why it may look like a new accoun.

I swear to god that I have joined long time ago since I made a vehicle suggestion in the past, oh well maybe that using different account that I had.

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This will be the last time I reply to you and this thread. At what point my opinion is inappropriate, I merely give my OPINION that SK TT added to the game right now will be near impossible for Gaijin as in my OPINION that will give them backlash either from copy paste issue or political one. After all, just like you said, my opinion might or might not affect the addition of SK TT in the game as it is purely Gaijin decision.


Near impossible and impossible is very different wording, peace out.

jesus he’s got the right to have and voice his opinion, even you don’t like it


If we consider content still missing from Japan that could be added to the game I don’t even think this is true. Also this would only be relevant if the game was called, Onlymoderntanksandnotplanesorships Thunder. If we are talking from a purely content perspective, just Japanese WW2 planes with all it’s potential additions would outnumber a united Korea air and ground TT by a significant margin.

If we are talking just purely modern stuff though, basing a Korean TT on the framework of the Israeli one is just a bad idea. It’s by far the least played TT in the game by a significant margin despite being one of the easiest grinds to top tier in the game. Israel also still has a much more relevant air tree than a potential Korean air tree. At the very least Israel’s modified aircraft see a significant departure from the original design with domestic upgrades. Even when SK does upgrades that depart from what is used in the US version, its almost always done by a US firm with US designed equipment. There are never unique missiles and at best a unique bomb that would perform identically to a US counterpart in game.

If a new TT were to come to the game there are multiple other ones that would provide much more across a larger time frame such as Yugoslavia, Turkey, Benelux, and even Switzerland provides a full R1-8 experience with a majority domestic vehicles.


Yup i have thought again over night and seems like i was wrong.
But still even though there’s low possibility of getting Korean TT as independent, i still believe it will be enjoyable TT.
I feel sry for Blakir, sry i was drunk at that time 🫠
Ill just upload my pic of S.Korean vehicles and move on
Have a nice day guys


what vehicles are these?

NWAV 30MM development of K808
K2M or K2GF I forget which

thank you i had a korean friend who wanted to know the name

Please do not add this in the american tech tree instead give it it’s own…


Unified tech tree is my new vote BTW.


It is better to combined with Japan than having it indepently.

there’s something to be done with korea but south korea alone is honestly quite underwhelming compared to how many people give it as one of the best new nations to add, it’s just way too small
but a united korea is probably a good enough solution to be added independently, even if the air tree wouldn’t be the most unique


So that is why I desire to sub-tech-trees one for China and the other for Japan.

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Yes i read the same how it will be an epic tree no copy paste only home made vehicles.
Then i look at how ended up Israel and im like yeah,more like in Gj way copy paste m48 minimum 8 tanks,then copy paste XM1,we add a Sherman because everyone like those and we finish it with K1,K2 and Vidar.
Oh and enybody who will jump on my post and start to post me how every vehicle is unique dont bother.I know they have unique vehicles everyone knows but Gj will go the easy route.

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A new way Gaijin seems to do things is adding the easier copy paste stuff first and then branching out with unique vehicles as time goes on.
If you ask me that is a fair way of doing things if things aren’t too scuffed at launch and I think a United Korea could quite easily manage to make itself unique very soon after implementation.


I’m all for it being combined with North Korea or at the very least a sub tree for Japan.


No way, no way brother. Equipment of JP and SK is not TECHNICALLY Related

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And why the heck would S Korea go to japan?