South Korean Ground Forces Tech Tree

Having a drill together seems like a GREAT testament to an alliance!


wow, I haven’t been monitoring this post for a while and it just turned into a political fallout. How war thunder forum-esque this is.

If you guys really want South Korea to join Japanese tech tree, you might as well not call it Japanese tech tree. I don’t know, maybe call it something like “East Asia tech tree”? “Pan Asian tech tree”???

I wholeheartedly support South Korea as a separate tech tree, and if it doesn’t have enough content, then I would say United Korea instead of “muh Japanese tech tree”.


Pacific Asia tree is definitely appreciated, we can in the future look forward to Japanese tree with 3 variant of F-15, one of them the EX, at least 4 additional F-16, several MiG-21, and other shit that should definitely not belong in there but is there anyway because I love combat vehicle representation.

I think it would be better to put a non-local upgraded M48 variant that SK imported from US before M48A3K, and make M48A3K’s rating a little higher, maybe 7.7 or 8.0, as it is using 90mm APFSDS.

I think this APFSDS issue will be the most problematic issue for SK M48s. This strange country is using such outdated tanks for more than a half-century, loading 21st century ammo into old 20th cannon. Imagine a M48 without any armor upgrade but shooting something like DM63. What br it should be?

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One of the main balancing factors I feel would come into play in regards to this would simply be limiting the ammunition based on the BR. Another main thing as to why the tree is the way it is, is because I felt like having 5-6 vehicles at every rank would give a more fleshed out tree than having 10 vehicles at every rank, where there are a lot of similarities to each other. In the future as the tree is added and the game continues, I do believe there are more vehicles to be added inside the tree, I simply made the tree this way so it could be added with enough unique vehicles, while also being a reasonable grind.

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I usually prefer fully packed suggestion tree with all avaliable varients but yeah leaving some space for future by getting rid of similar things would be better for “suggestion” to developers. Korean trees I’ve seen before were usually united korea trees or sub-trees, so SK only independent tree is interesting to me. Nice work


Northern Korea and Southern Korea should be as one Tech Tree - this will give it more Vehicles, a more fleshed out Tech Tree and will make more people play it and also makes the most sense because well…both are Korea.

Chinas Tech Tree also consists of both PRC and RoC whereas the RoC is literally just US-Equipment and PRC also up until higher Tiers just USSR Equipment (the first domestic ones being also just Variants of USSR Vehicles).
GDR / DDR is also in Germanys Tech Tree and not a Subtree of USSR despite being entirely USSR EQ.

And if we take Politics into Account about PRC / RoC or when Germany was still split…lets not do that.

But im definitely for a Korea Tech Tree - both North and South combined.


I would prefer a United Korea tree, between the two there are many viable vehicles and lineups. It could start at Rank V and look something like this:



Just to avoid headache at this point, I’ll reconsider and just go with this, considering my original suggestion did just gloss over the idea of a unified tree.

Although my main issue with a unified Korean tree is the polarity in alliance between the two countries now. How would that look in game? ( NATO vs Warsaw, with SK/NK being either or. )

Thats a political no-go.


Ingame matches don´t reflect real world politics in general. Teams are formed based on the availability of players.


In my opinion when it comes to a United Korean tree I’d probably have the tree as is and have NK be a single branch subtree inside of SK. The amount of unique vehicles they have that would make sense to be added to the game is pretty low, and I believe they’d just do best to flesh out the air tree, and maybe add a bit to the ground tree. I however cannot see them being integrated into the tree fully.

Its like saying that France should be a subtree of Germany because in the end they are both European. And yes, there is history and some bad blood between Japan and Korea.


check this


if anything the china situation in war thunder is even more proof to just make a united korean TT.

especially since NK vehicles which are based on russian tech don’t exactly not fit in since korea absorbed a craptonne of soviet tech following the collapse of the USSR due to soviet debt to SK.
a shining example of this is the fact that we have a armored brigade consisting of purely russian vehicles, which includes BMP-3’s and T80-U’s


An independent SK no it won’t work too small BR’s, not enough content over time and their air tree is way to small like at max one fighter line

At most 3 per rank and mostly C&P untill at the very top. As a united tree I guess I’m ok with as it solves most of the issues I listed but yea not as a independent tree.

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What part of this tree is copy paste other than 3 vehicles lol


If you read properly I was on about the air tree

South korea should go to Japan as a subtree.
North korea should go to China as a subtree.


Pakistan would suit China better as a sub-tree.
DPRK has more Soviet derived equipment than Chinese, so another solution would be required than having them be a sub-tree for China.