South Korean Ground Forces Tech Tree

I hope to see equipment from both South Korea and North Korea join the game together


Very interesting and insightful findings. I’ve never really seen such information before.

While this does increase creedence of the South-Korean sub-tree concept for Japan, I still don’t believe it is worth more than what a United Korean tree could provide.


Just a few weeks ago the North Closed all diplomatic channels with the South and basically said reunification would never happen.

The South feels about the same as many people worry about reunification creating a welfare state where it would take multiple generations to fully integrate Northerners into the South.

Even with a United Korea TT there would still be massive gaps. If started with rank 1, then the majority of low tier would be North Korean meme guns against a bunch of we vehicles. Then you have the air tree that needs basically every T-50 variant built to give it a semblance of Korean identity outside of US/USSR vehicles.


There is indeed a lot of military cooperation between South Korea and Japan, but the civilian attitudes of South Korea and Japan are hostile, and the degree of conflict is far beyond your imagination. If Gaijin regards South Korea as a Japanese tree, it may be seen as insulting behavior. In this way, Gaijin cannot make money from Korean/Japanese players, and even servers may be attacked as a result. This is something they need to avoid,Unless they change the Japanese tree to “Blue Dragon” and replace the national flag with other symbols, just like in the “War Game Red Dragon”


My point on a United Korean tree has no basis in any actual unification movement. It is based on much the same principle that the Chinese tree is, with both PRC and ROC being part of it.

And I’m sorry, but regardless of rank, both Koreas would be quite uninteresting in their aviation. Yes, ROK would have some exclusive mods, but it would be as interesting as the Israeli mods are while being less numerous, and we all know how interesting Israeli air is to people.


Just put China, Korea, Japan and SEA into one big Tree called Dragon Tree or whatever.

Europe (West) into one, North Amurica as one and USSR+Yugoslavia as one or some Commonwealth one

topic cleared?

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Yes. This is not the place to discuss something else than what’s suggested in the OP.


Also I’m curious about the MD500. This case was the first airplane manufacturing plant in South Korea, but the MD500 was being built prior to this as a “helicopter”, so who was the one building the MD500?

Korean Air produced the first Korean-made MD500 on August 20, 1976 (Hugues License)


The J85 jet engine of the kf-5 was designed by the United States.
Purchasing processing tools and raw materials from other countries does not call it military cooperation


I Like it. Maybe south Korean and Turkish Tech Tree?



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Hello, please do discuss the contents about South Korean vehicles here. Be on topic.


I wonder when we will see the PIP variant of K2

I disagree on giving South Korea it’s own TT, I don’t think it has enough vehicles for it. I also don’t think that WT really needs anymore standalone TTs. We have enough as it is. That said, I think South Korea should be a sub tree of the United States. The only alternative I can think of would be Japan, but even when they are defacto allies in both being enemies of China, they refuse to converse with one another during exercises without a US ship to act as an intermediary, and only really share geography as a reason to have SoKo as a Japanese sub tree. The US has extensive military and political ties to Korea, far more so then Japan even if they were on speaking terms. The only argument against such a sub tree would be that the US, strictly speaking, doesn’t need a subtree. If we go by that logic, however, it could be argued we don’t need South Korea in the game either. Moreover, by making South Korea a US subtree, they would benefit from having a plethora of vehicles to fill in any potential br gaps and would get all the shiny new US vehicles that are released, such as the F-35 when it gets added. This would completely sidestep the issue that minor nations have historically faced where the US and Russia get the newest jets, while everyone else is stuck with the older gens and cannot, realistically, compete.




About what?

not with out north korea they have some unice stuff


Zero interest sorry