Sound Settings? / Please fix the sounds in game

First of all, what sound setting does affect the sound of artillery in ground battles? It is far too loud for my lilking and vibrates my entire floor.

Also i do not understand what some of the sound settings do.
Music volume / music volume in menu is clear.
Engine / my engine volume aswell.

But what excactly does SFX volume affect? Exploding tanks? Shells hitting my tank? Artillery fire?
Or does gunfire affect artillery aswell?

Also what does Radio chat volume do? The crew voice lines ypu access with the T button?
And what is Speech and FMV volume then?

Also what is the difference between RWR and Voice warning system?

Also the game seems to habe sound problems in general, why is the Bushmaster 30mm lounder than the 128 of the Jagdtiger?
The sound volume difference in game modes really annoy me aswell.
When i set the sound volume in a way that it is pleasant for ground battles, i cant hear anything in air battles, and in naval it will blow my ears out.
I play with a 5.1 system if that affects anything.
Sorry for the long post.


I think shells hitting the tank is called “Tinnitus” :D yeah it might give you tinnitus if you leave it on

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Likely general sound effects - explosions, shots, destructible objects.

Exactly what you wrote, stuff under “T” button

Probably your own vehicle’s crew voicelines.

That’s pinging sound of RWR. Basically every time your RWR sensor is highlighted with radar beam, you get a ping

That’s for top tier planes for USA, Russia and China. These are automated warning voice messages like “Pull up” or “Chaff/Flare”. Your plane talking to you ;)

There might be sound issues, but sound is also affected by how close is the camera to the vehicle and in case of air battles - speed (for ground or naval vehicles, speed is just too slow to have an effect).

It might, I mean if you have independant settings or equalizer, it may affect certain sounds in game, bumping some or lowering others, depending on your system settings.

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