Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Wouldn’t doubt it. Anything to keep USSR from being challenged

Official vote for both MICAs next patch

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Yep, Ka-52 getting full hud

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Sounds good. strapped too Typhoons right?

Mirage, I think

As I said, in the next patch. The snail doesn’t change

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Clearly lol

@Smin1080p Does the Sea Harrier FRS1 (SQV) get the new cockpit and is there any news on it getting the right radar? Its currently got a copy paste from the F5-E and is very very wrong

Mi-28n, nm, ka-50,52 getting huds

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What’s the problem?..

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i dont , everythings copy paste and germany will get the kf 41 at one point, you were just plain wrong

Devs are absolutely out of touch with the player base at this point and just constantly forcing power creep on purpose they aren’t interested in making a balanced game at all. They must of eaten an entire bumper pack of crayons



Adding 2 new top tier jets to Russia and US… the nations that need new top tier the least.
Are they trying to get people to quit minor nations? Or the game?
Maybe they think people who have bought $70 premiums for minor nations enjoy getting spit in the face

SMT with 27ET and R-73 at 12.0 wtf


Gotta make it easy on the bad players

Imagine facing that in a fucking phantom, what a joke.

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radar of smt of WIP, will be changed to correct one

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Well if the MiG-29A is already 12.0 and the SMT got 2 big missile upgrades and CAS then surely that’s a 12.3?

Wow thats insane