Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

What time do dev streams usually air?

Around 10-11pm AEST.

in 6 hours or 5


I do have the Su25BM with R-73

currently they work like 9L but it was stated that they’ll get fixed eventually

He said nothing about Italy receiving a 2A7 before Germany. I’d worry why the Lynx is seemingly equipped with ATGMS presumably Spike while Puma is not. Lynx is equipped with APS btw.

Looking at this spreadshit, we see the USSR Mig 29 RP modifications cost will be drastically reduced because it will not be the last on the tree, SMT arriving, but the german 29 remains almost the same. Same for USA F-16A.
JA37D, F-16(IT), MLU, AJ and Netz also get very little reduction.
So only USA and USSR are gonna get top tier jets, no gripen, no block50 for other countries …

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does the F4F late for get a big reduction?

Never said anything that would go against that and simply wanted to make that point in case you were unaware.
Seeing how and which vehicles and even proposed vehicles are added KF-41 might go to Germany because it is designed by Rheinmetall or even to the GB tree because it was proposed to Australia.
You never know with Gaijin.

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it does get a 90k RP reduction and a 300k Price reductions

so that means F4F ICE could come

It’s more likely that it’s just because it’s not top tier, however I would not be opposed to one of my favourite jets being added.

63K … it should around 200K for getting something after it

Tornado IDS (1995) (Italy) and Nesher get 200K btw

Do you have popcorn ready today?

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Hey, since we have the new forum and are transitioning to Community Bug Reporting System for bug reports, what will be the procedure for reporting bugs on the DEV Server? Will it be the forum (the new one, now), or will it be Community Bug Reporting System ? If it is the latter, will there be filtering based on the game version to prioritize bugs on the DEV Server?

MiG-21 F-13 and MiG-27K both get their grouped reduction too

so I guess I’ll get them free?

The popcorn looks very tasty:)

No, for that It would need a 200K RP reduction in modifications.

It’s a rule for gaijin, the last plane on the subtree has a big increase in mods RP, and when the next one comes, 40% reduction.