Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Light and a lot of shadow, which has become visible again, characterize the new patch!
Honestly, Gaijin, after all the opinions and often very emotional messages of the forum participants. I think you should rethink your strategy for the further development of this, actually great, game.
You can’t please everyone, it will never work. But you can create proven fair conditions for the players.
I think the most essential point for this is the gameplay, there are and were so many good suggestions for further development.
You yourselves have realized great features.
Another point is to represent the vehicles realistically WITHOUT errors.
The perceived or real disadvantages of individual TechTries acts like a poison! that shortens the life of the game.
In the long run a more moderate business policy can pay off for you.
The best for all players to have fun with the game for a long time and economic success for Gaijin.

Japanese F-14A would be cool but I don’t think it will be added, would be a nice event vehicle or something like that later down the line, maybe if they add the Iranian F-14 then they’ll add a Japanese one too.

The SU-27 though is a little weird, with Japan having mostly western style aircraft it seems a little more far fetched but I don’t see a reason why they couldn’t add an early SU-27 to Japan. Probably not with R-77s so it would never be the best SU-27 just like the Japanese F-14A would always be outclassed by the F-14B in the US tree.

They both work pretty well because they’d both be the basic early version of their airframe so you’d still have to grind through the US or Russia to get the more modern versions with better weapons.


How about neither of those aircraft go to Japan? The completely fake F-16AJ already crossed the line, we don’t need more BS like that or “it was tested once, rejected, but let’s add it”

F-16AJ didn’t cross any lines. It’s still a prototyped vehicle, it falls under completed prototypes, and may not stay depending on what subtree gets added in the future and what can replace it.
Su-27S wasn’t trialed.
And F-14A JP wouldn’t fill any gaps, as EJ Kai already holds its position, and is better.
Especially since Phoenixes wouldn’t be part of the package.

I would’ve personally preferred a F-14A with AIM-9L’s instead of the F-16AJ, as it was actually existent.

Gaijin doesn’t care what the players want, they carefully plan each vehicle so that top tier is balanced

Even with the new aircraft… every nation is balanced and capable


The version proposed for Japan would not have a cannon, and could not carry missiles from the R-73 inclusive.

arguing about this for an entire week straight is crazy work

On one hand, you’re partially wrong on Gaijin caring. Cause they do care what players want, and that matters for understanding what to focus on for balance.

You’re not wrong on aircraft tho. 11.3s might struggle and a BR decompression might be needed after a few weeks of live fire 9Ms & R-73s, but 11.7 up all deal with each other rather effectively.

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That’s the thing, there’s no way they should come to the game now, but I think it’s fair to relax the rules a little once those vehicles are no longer even close to top tier.

While the F-14 is exclusive to the US it definitely shouldn’t come to Japan either, only if they decide to add the Iranian F-14s at some point as those are truly interesting with all sorts of new and unique weapons that Iran has fitted them with.

The SU-27 I’m less struck on as it wouldn’t bring much to the tree and it being a Soviet design would make it look out of place

But Japanese pilots did test the SU-27 as the Soviet Union was trying to open up towards the end of it’s existence.

I’m not wrong gaijin is a company that needs to make money, if they gave players what they want it would only upset the balance at top tier and hurt profits

Everything that the 12.3-12.7 jets will fight is capable of firing a missile

11.3 won’t struggle for this reason because they can just fire a missile

Some 11.3s are fine, such as F-4J & F-4S cause they have 7Fs and countermeasures.
But stuff like FG1 & MLD? IDK if they can compete.

To make money Gaijin need to care about what players want, it doesn’t mean they’ll give them everything they want but people spend more money the more they feel they’re getting out of it so Gaijin have to care about what players want

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I haven’t played the MLD, however I have the MLA, and I did perfectly fine against MiG-29’s, F-16’s, and F-14’s. Of course, I was outmatched, but using the tools available to me, especially the R-24T, which people generally tend to not expect, allowed me to have some 3 and 4 kill games in uptiers.

Yeah some BR decompression is needed.

although the Mirage F1 getting IRCCM Magic 2s at 11.3 has gone quite under the radar, I wounder if they’ll get moved up at some point.

Fine we just give R-73’s to Germany because players want it? Yeah I think not. That would be unfair

I’m currently grinding French air, and when I heard about the Magic II buffs, the Mirage F1C became one of the vehicles I’m looking forward to playing the most.

If the German MiG-29 got them and moved up to 12.3, it’d be fine.

1: Where did I say that?

2: Germany should get the R-73 as their MiG-29s used the R-73, they did not however use the R-27ER?

3: I said they have to care, not give in to every player’s demands, a parent cares about their child but doesn’t give them cake for breakfast everyday even if that’s what the kid wants.

At the cost of a 12.0 BR gap? What about people who want to fly a 12.0 plane for Germany?