Eurofighter has better multipurpose abilities with much better systems and radar plus its a bit more maneuverable than the gripen, and the main feature about it is that it can carry IRIS-T and a LOT of ordinance plus it has more than just flares as countermeasures it even has some weird pods countermeasures wich act as a decoy so the missiles target those decoys instead of the plane
yes, but we are speaking about development, and there is no offical sources speaking about the extent of hungarians part, there wasnt that much left for the KF41
Pretty much dead, germany startet a new development with italy, spain and sweden
The Hungarian Gripen also carries the Iris-T missile. Tech 1 will probably appear with an air defense mission only.
There is a video where the Prime Minister announces: We are buying a Leopard tank, producing a Lynx and developing a Panther.
cant realy get better then f16c, f14b, mig29smt in the game sence
only germany and we properbly at the start would get nerfed ordinance like aim 9l etc
as if gajin will implement those, first very old ECM, i highly doubt the decoys will be available on release
K2 or ?
that doesnt mean they are developing it mainly, the joined the germans development to help yes, like i already said
i do not remember hungary acquiring iris t missiles yet, i do remember they signing to get them but im not sure if they have recived them yet
that as well their are multiple panthers, hell there is a helicopter named Panther as well that is multipurpose and already carries spike er2
yeah sadly if it was added it would be REALLY limited
like i said they joined the development as helpers, they still arent main developers New Tank, the Panther Is under Development
germany likes to give their stuff cat names, Leopard, panther, tiger, ozelot, gepard, etc
better then nothing, but i do doubt it more as well
The Kf-51Panther appeared in Zalaegerszeg in the summer when the KF-41Lynx factory was handed over and there was a lot of speculation as to whether we would buy it or what it was here for. And a few days later, the Hungarian Prime Minister announced that we would start development. And many Hungarian articles brought it down.
general animals, wiesel, keiler, marder
literaly only rheintmetall representing their tech lol, besides that i literaly gave u the quote right now
oh and the PUMA and lynx
“germany is the crazy lady with cats”
Pretty God damn brave to show abysmal game stats and then brag about your “game knowledge”. Yikes
South Korean K2 Black Panther. Germany Ozelot.