Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

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Ah ok

Still no J10 :c

thats true since south africa used them,
but i’m still hoping for a typhoon nonetheless

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Thats not too surprising, hopefully next update

so this thing at 10.0


CW I assume is for Continuous Wave, IIRC how SARH missiles like Sparrows are (Usually, see F-16C for exception) guided, so the RWRs can distinguish between F/A-18s in search/track and launch modes

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god even the barak 2 fm is soooo nice on dev

any new vehicles that sneaked in?

There 's still a few Air RB maps which use that ancient low-poly train as a target, maybe this could replace it. Or it might be a Naval vehicle decoration for a crafting event, lots of stuff we’ve gotten from Enlisted has been decorations.

( still waiting for them to return the monorail to the Spaceport GFRB map like it had during the event, btw - that '50 's diesel streamliner looks soo out of place there )

Oh nice, they got it complete enough to pull it out of the CDK ! The last step in ITA destroyers before they move into AShM-armed ships.

get fucked italy lol


Oh god no

But I like the new Royal symbol though

HE115 for germany and T2 (a worse version) for sweden

Only difference is the 15mm and 0.3 BR

is it just me or does the SMT feel a lot better rn

The mg151 is a big upgrade. The german one has fire bombs aswell. Hope in the future they add the D with better engines for germany

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So far you can make 2 Hungarian line ups



And this sad one

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I guess the C should be able to use the 1000kg sea mine aswell, that would be neat to have in game.

He 115!

After all those years.

Patch is saved and I’m happy.

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Next major update! 2.31 maybe.