The Tiger UHT already has Pars for years now
And only 8 of them, with a 7km range.
Even when it gets 12 of them, its BR will likely become the new BR for air: 12.3.
"Vehicle spec discussions, such as armour, ammo, ordnance, guns, data sheets, performance. Some examples:
- “I hope for these vehicles, they will balance the game. They have XYZ ordnance and will counter the XYZ!”
- 2 page discussions about what type of ammo a new tank in a dev blog will get. Now this is fine for the most part since a vehicle in the dev blog is part of the next update, however it can escalate into completely other discussions so do be careful!"
How can I when people make like 50 odd comments over days on the thing ?
Sir, this is rumor roundup. People are allowed to talk about missile rumors.
Ok then in that case I should be able to talk about the Turkish tech tree & vehicles right ?
After all it is a rumour.
No Israel’s probable subtree is unlikely for this year let alone major update, that’s not a rumor for next major. 12.3 and Italian sub tree are the rumors.
How ?
If you can talk all day about hundreds off missiles which most aren’t rumours they are just hear say or just speculation at this point. Then surly I can talk about Turkey as BvvD said he looking into other countries and with those Turkish datamined decal similar looking to the Swedish CBT ones. But if it’s only for the next update then that pretty much confirmation not actually rumours.
And how is talking about the Hungarian sub tree is any different than talking about Turkey ?
I doubt we will have a sub tree right before a new nation looking at the pattern.
Cause we don’t get two sub trees in an update, and there’s no hint that Israel is the next one to get a subtree.
Why did you assume Turkey would be a sub-tree? Our proposal tree is larger and more original than Israel and is as big as Italy.
Because half of the vehicles are vehicle types that don’t have much population in WT to begin with. Adding those types still makes it less vehicles than Israel’s potential maximum.
On top of that, Turkey & Israel are close in relations.
Gaijin 100% confirmed we are getting a new nation in the October update.
No they didn’t.
"Currently, War Thunder features 10 playable nations, and we have no intentions of stopping there! However, as we introduce new nations, it becomes increasingly challenging to capture the attention of veteran players. They have already traversed the ranks multiple times, and therefore, each new journey through a different tree becomes less captivating.
To address this, we plan on implementing a system to alleviate the situation. If a player has a top vehicle in a vehicle branch within one nation, they will receive a RP bonus when researching the equivalent branch of other nations.
In the research tree, certain vehicles will be marked as “top” vehicles for each nation at any given time. Once a player gets one of these vehicles, they will receive an RP bonus when researching other nations where they haven’t yet obtained the top vehicles. The size of the bonus will depend on the rank being researched and will be applicable for the first three battles played each day.
The preliminary bonus for each rank will be:
For rank IV +15%
For rank V + 25%
For rank VI + 35%
For ranks VII and VIII + 50%
These are our initial plans, but we may adjust them by the time the new mechanics have been introduced.
We plan to add these bonuses in a future major update, planned for October-November 2023."
That one big give a way we are getting a new nation.
Can you tell me those vehicles you assumed they weren’t the type of the players? They are your classic NATO-class military vehicles that are used to replace old equipment which is in game already, it can’t be that different by that sense. And what can be added to Israel besides few more half-tracks and 2 IFVs?
And Turkish relations with Israel is limited to M60T and F-4E-2020 bro what are you talking about lol. Same with Italy, F-104S and ATAK only. If Turkey would be a subtree (which definitely won’t if it’s added) it would make more sense to add it to USA. It is not Turkey’s fault if that failed “half” tree can’t expand further without claiming other nations’ original domestic vehicles.
There’s nothing in that post that says there’s a new nation coming this year. In-fact, the opposite.
@ByEmirReyiz Artillery & recon vehicles.
And no, there’s no reason to give USA a sub-tree.
“Currently, War Thunder features 10 playable nations, and we have no intentions of stopping there!”
Did you even read it ?
I did, unlike you.
That sentence shows zero indication of a nation coming this year.
I know, but only 8, but it could mount up to 12