Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

imagine getting another vautour for this dev-blog

no pls no

why would anyone want that? France already has 3 and Israel has 2, what more could that airframe be used for?

or a 1.3 br coastal boat

another Mosquito or an alphajet yes pls but no Vautour


then I be going mad 4 Devblogs no plane is heavy but 5 devblogs no plane is really hard

we already have 5 with no aircraft, 2S1, MBT-2000, Pvkv IV, TO-55, and USS Texas


gotta work til 21:15 anyways so might as well check here regularly

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Keep forgetting 2S1 exists

yeah, me too. I’m not really interested in these Russian vehicles

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My leak it totally real :P

That sucks

If you’re gonna post links at least post the link dude xD

Japan being the fifth actually impressive. And these stats are old, Italy got a ton of love lately which definitely had a positive impact on its popularity.

The list is right now probably like


I really want the Ki-93.

They also HAVE to fix the Ki-102 in the game. It’s the ground attack version, but doesnt have the bombs it needs or AP shells. WeirdChamp

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I’ll laugh if it hits 6 and no planes, get an update focused primarily on ground is always nice

Watch the new dev-blog to be another mig-29

Tbh, the MiG-29SMT wouldn’t be a bad addition

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See what would the MiG-29SMT have for loadout options, because if it’s just a MiG-29A with guided bombs then that’s kinda lackluster, the SU-24 would have been much better.

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su24 doesnt bring anything better to the table either, just a kab1500L

mig 29smt can get r77, r27, r73

and some guided bombs and missiles or something