Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Have you actually seen the Philippine air force, it would be dead on arrival?

Well, yes and no, some things may be intresting to some, tho the big things whont arrive before the Teaser or Dev stream


just for the memes


I know but a man can dream



We are with in the time still.

yeah, it’s just not here yet, I know

Yes, Thailand was an ally with Japan during WW2 and also imported Japanese weapons, so I think it’s a more convincing option.

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Where is today’s devblog?

not here yet

man the people have no patience

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I know, it could be 3 hours yet, it’ll come when it comes right?

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What are the stakes for today’s devblog? Boat, ship or a tank? Can i get a magach?

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well we’ve had 4 tanks and a ship so my money is on a helicopter.

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We have enough magachs,no more plz

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I put 1SL on gnat

1SL? you could barely buy a pea for that