Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

yept,it is toooooooooo slow, and the flying road of the missile is weird

No? It can’t? Only the user can be fooled by smoke?

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if you have it on auto i will blow up sometimes.

Sooo, we will see :)

I think the real question of the 9m127 got an roximity fuze…

thats historical.

never happend to me

but the 9m127 cannot bring roximity fuze and doing the anti-tank mission in same time…

I don’t understand? What do you mean auto? Auto locking targets on ground?

Actually it can, its dual purpose.

Laser lock.

The 9m121 doesn’t need laser lock, as it uses beam riding to get to the target, it will follow a beam until it hits the target.

@Smin1080p shouldnt this show bmp2/obj 685?

how do you expect to use the 9m123 without a laser ?

You are talking about the Ka-50 i talk about Russian helicopters in general, with focus on Mi-28NM.

But in realistic, the mode of the 9m127 have to decision before it lanuch, the roximity fuze will not be open after the pilot choose the direct hit mode

Its not a good issue is it ? if you see a helicopter you put it on proxy and if you see a tank you leave it in default mode, the game simply does it automatically for you.

Hmmm, i don’t know, I have never had a vikhr explode because of smoke.

go talk about this in pms

AGM114 also has 2 modes top down and straight the AH-64E can use some sort of sea skim mode where the missile flies very low above the trees and then goes top down in the last few seconds, it also goes automatically.

Then you are using it wrong, you can controll multiple if fired in a short period of time, tjose imcreasing kill chance