Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

From List of former equipment of the Iraqi Ground Forces.















From List of Iraqi Air Force aircraft squadrons.



I wonder if it will get model update as well

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You mean smin1080p mentioned gaijin working another attack aircraft rank 8 for Italy from discord ?

I’m not sure AH-1Z (USMC) using AGM-114K ? but guess gajin might consider AGM-114R on AH-1Z in the future

Italy tech tree no attack helicopter 11.3 & 11.7 like other nations and gajin not add new helicopter from Italy for a long time

Belgium?!?!11! 😳

Definitely interesting too see the Ukrainan flag in the files, as Ukraine has a lot of potentially interesting tanks that could be added, the most well known being the T-84

I wish we could get more drop tanks. Some aircraft look really bad without them or atleast 10x better for example the f-104 or f-84f.

Definitely like to see the T-84 variants, T-80 line is getting crusty.

I have to say one thing, not long ago, in the air battle, I do not know whether my eyes are blurred or I am wrong, I seem to see su-27.

It was probably an Su-25.

Should we see the first devblog today?
Or next week?

I have never seen a devblog on a Saturday so probably not.

There has been some but it is indeed rare

Heres some even more capable AAM’s to make top tier Air Rb even more FUBAR D:

Guess the 5min battles in top tier AIr RB are still too long for some people…

And 2 new premium strike aircrafts!(A testbed platform for Aim9X and R-74M at 9.7 to make sure the sabres and migs not gonna flare it! What? They don’t have flares? Ohhh too bad, anyway…

Honestly, I hope the exact opposite to happen - Cold War era Jets, Century Series It’s all Im waiting for!
Them Delta Dagers, Voodo’s with AIM4’s and other quirky stuff, uffff… HOTTTTT!

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Wasn’t the F-14B devblog on a Saturday?

It was originally planned to be on the Friday beforehand, so that doesn’t count.

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Dunno of an exact example, I just know there has been some
In old updated there where even Sunday devblogs sometimes

I was replying to the guy about the cas jet for Italy

Delta daggers, dart’s. and Voodoo’s would be so sexy. And of course their soviet equivalents.

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AIM-4s would be rad

AIM-26(a) would be way more rad
(W-54 Nuclear warhead armed variant)

And to pair with it, the W-72 Walleye would be fun as well
(600 Tons of TNT yield)