Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Plus it’s misses out a lot of previous stuff too like Israel ground can go down to rank 1 and there are can go down to rank 2.

Note that in English, “passability” is probably better termed “mobility”. 🙂 Many decades ago, I was involved with the NATO reference mobility model and what is described in the notes on the new WT update are exactly what the model dealt with.

Anyway, I’ve found all that’s been done in this update is to slow down certain tanks to excruciatingly slow speeds. It’s just not fun. I’ll check back in a month or so to see if anything has changed. 🙁


after the event i think

That would be very late, statisticaly dev blogs started around this week

9-02, 8-18, 8-21, 8-16, 8-18…
Not really.

Go further back and statisticaly you come out at around this week, besides that this week or next like yours realy ksnt much difference

Either way… an event is going on. Plenty of things to do while we anticipate next major.
I secretly hope it’s another jump in jets, but I also doubt R-73s will be ready for that.
F-15J is my ultimate goal right now, largely cause the light fighters are all lower on priority for Gaijin.
Gripen is up there as well.

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Maybe since they are making it easier to research helicopters, it’s possible that they will also increase the amount of helicopters in tech trees especially for nations which have only few available in the game currently like Italy and UK for example.
Though depends mainly on the popularity of this action I guess…

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That would be interesting. Would be more interested in seeing helicopters added to Air Sim EC alongside aircraft.
However, I think the logic behind the move was to simply make the people less upset with the grindyness they had.
Renewed popularity can very well lead to more heli’s down the line indeed so that could be interesting.

Anyways, today or tomorrow first devblog and teaser the 2nd Thursday after this week?

I think the first devblog is pretty possible today or tomorrow, though maybe next week.

Next week has higher chance

I think so as well. I wish for devblogs this week but it feels like we are going to get them next week.

And Italy…finally I can grind the Mangusta!


well, the italien premium did have hellfire like missles didnt it?. i am aware it got removed but i am not sure for which reasons, should have been got enough to have researched them, but it definitly is a blessing for italien now who are lacking a premium completly to make the grind easier

I sense devblog season

Don’t hope to hard at least wait till the event is over

One can hope…for more disappointment))

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Yes, I am aware.
The A-4M thing dates back like 2 years for me, ever since it was found in the CDK in that massive leak. It’s more of a joke at this point


the E-100 if anything will be another tournament reward

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