Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

What like your comments about the Russians needing new stuff.


Im fine :)

One of the major features of the new forum is that if people feel a topic is going off topic or someone is breaking the rules, you can flag the post / topic and others can agree / disagree with you.

I’m not watching this singular topic 24/7. This topic can sometimes jump multiple pages overnight and a lot of it can sometimes not be relevant. If so, the community can flag it and decide on that.


Very well said m8

May I ask if it’s not to cheeky how big is this update relatively to other the updates.
As usually the September one is kinda a small one.

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We are not even close to the update right now and have not had a single blog.

Again, “size” of an update is always subjective for different people with different interests. Its a major game update, which follows the same normal procedures as always :)


Ah fair enough m8 I just thought to ask to bring this topic back on track again. o7

btw I miss the old emojis from the old forums.

When can we expect first devblogs?
Next week (maybe)?

“We are not even close to the update right now”

I guess maybe a few more weeks till a devblog


certainly be intresting what it gonna bring, if they diverge from the normal update times

But where are the mods? If these long off topic discussions happened in the old forum, thread would have been locked long time ago and comments deleted. Now nothing, you either have to skip everything and expect that you wont miss anything important or just read pages and pages of off topic stuff…

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mhm, but yea back to my personal model railway. : D

that is why this a new forum to take the work of the mods, just nobody bothers to enforce anything in this particular thread, only gets enforced on usermade specific threads

Looks like we are the new self mods now so it’s up to us to bring this thread up to standards

The mods are everywhere all over the forum. There is more to this forum than just this one topic.

Again, if the major of people agree with you that something is off topic, then the posts would be hidden. You can flag anything you suspect as such and the moderators will also see it.

But its not the job of any Moderator or Community Manager to sit in this one topic or moderate every post within it individually. People know the rules.

Soon ™


Last question can we upload MP4 to this new forums as iirc the old one didn’t.

Hi @Smin1080p The major problem with flags is the flagging of users even though their messages are well-constructed and argued, simply because they have the misfortune to think differently from the main supporters on certain subjects (for example on subjects asking for a TO mode).

This is a toxic and abusive approach to a forum feature: Just because someone doesn’t think like them, other people censor them so that the idea doesn’t “contaminate” those who are undecided on a subject.

Sorry, I’m digressing a bit from the basic subject of the topic, but given that you were talking about the possibility of masking messages, it seemed appropriate to say something about it.


Also what is the Upload limit for this forum?

No sound but thanks you hehe.

Now I’m kinda gonna love this forum.

That’s cause I had OBS mute all sound.

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