We already have Spikes on Freccia.
huge difference between 5km ground launched ones and 16km air launched ones with thermal scope, they are way stronger then pars 3. the problem is that not many nations have an spaa yet with a 16km range
There is no need for 16 km variant. Spike ER has 8 km range, also the speed of missile makes it way worse. If Gaijin implements it the same way as on Freccia - F&F only, then it isn’t even top tier material.
In case of the H145M it has pretty good optics.
Found this in the Old forum about it:
"The daylight camera (which WT afaik uses for magnification) has 36.3° to 1.1° FoV, which assuming the same 73.7° at 1x of the UHT/AH-64 gives ~2x to ~67x.
If you instead take the 26.7° to 0.36° FoV of the thermal imager would give a zoom of ~2.8x to ~205x (lmao)"
24T got nerfed so it certainly has not 9L level of flare resistance ( unless i missed something since it’s been a long time i haven’t touched it ) so i guess you mean R-27T which kinda gets the same level of flare resistance due to the low fov . I would not necessarily disagree with that but i picked the 9L for the sake of the argument to show that you can have some of the best missiles even at lower BRs thus invalidating the argument to which i was responding to .
Haven’t seen any data mines in a while, anyone have a link where those usually get posted?
Searched reddit but got kind of a jumble of different data mines so easy to miss something.
Anyone have a good link/location where they get regularly uploaded?
Just use Oshida’s account and look at their posts
thx, that’ll work
Is there any news on changes to the Magic II? I heard someone saying they confirmed it was going to get a higher G overload
I meant R-24T. Compared to the AIM-9L and R-27T, the R-24T has good acceleration and a short burntime, which reduces the probability of detection. In addition, it has a much greater effective range, which also reduces the probability of detection than in the case of the AIM-9L.
In the case of resistivity against flares, I’m not entirely sure what it depends on. If it depends only on the FOV, in that case the R-24T has 2.6 degress compared to AIM-9L 3.6 degrees what is better for R-24T.
Guys this is not a missle thread
Battle Pass really had a glow down over the years…
Battle passes are 66% copy paste now.
C&P should be used if there is no difference to another tree counter part.
If you are referring to the Italian boat then that should be called a unique mod.
I was secretly hoping dev consider new battleship toptier from great britain and new battleship toptier from USA 3rd quarter & 4th quarter this year
I fixed, but you guess gaijin might consider new battleship toptier 7.0 or 7.3 from UK & USA this year ?
IDK, because, as you know, Gaijin’s newly implemented vehicles aren’t always “what the game needs right now”… :(
It would be nice if there was a vehicle/mechanism development roadmap, like the economic roadmap.
Yeah, I really think bigger battleships will come (unless you’re only thinking about a br change) soon™.
Maybe not this update, because that would be two updates in a row for naval, which would be amazing but unbearable for non-naval players for some reason.
But… it’s been a while since we saw top tier ships for UK, Germany and… USSR.
someone needs to make a missile thread for real